Your worth is not based on what you can do, but what Christ can do through you

Talking Points:

  • If we are constantly worried about measuring our success against others, we will become self absorbed and distracted.
  • God tells us that we have worth because of him. Jesus is the one who makes us right with God, not our own accomplishments. 2 Corinthians 5:21 
  • God doesn’t want us to think that if we make mistakes, then we’re not good enough. God’s got us covered, and he wants us to know that everyone makes mistakes. Romans 3:23-24 
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What would you say are your biggest accomplishments? What do those successes say about you? How hard did you work for that success?
  3. Describe a time in your life when you felt happiest. Can you think of a time you thought you would be happy about an accomplishment but you weren’t? Why do you think that was the case?
  4. What are some examples of empty pursuits people seek after to find happiness?
  5. Read 2 Corinthians 5:21. What stands in our way of having a relationship with God? What did Jesus do for us? What does his sacrifice mean to you?
  6. Read Romans 3:23-24. What does this passage say about us? How does this passage change the way you see yourself and your accomplishments?
  7. Moving forward, how will you respond to the lie of the performance trap?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

Based on the book Search for Significance by Robert McGee