God presents us with the opportunity of a lifetime. Will we take him up on it?

Talking Points:

  • We’ve all missed out on a big opportunity at one time or another. Even if you’ve squandered a lot of opportunities in life, there is still time to accept God’s invitation. That’s the message of Jesus in the parable of the great banquet. Luke 14:15-24
  • Nothing is more important or a better use of your time than prioritizing God. But if we are honest, many of us don’t prioritize pursuing God.
  • Jesus didn’t just come to help people who have life figured out, the wealthy, or the moral. Jesus came to help everyone (Matthew 11:4-5). Jesus helps those who recognize they need help. And be comforted: you may be an outsider in your family. You may be looked down on by others. But Jesus came to rescue you.
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some big opportunities for you that have gone well?
  3. What are some opportunities that you later saw were missed? Did you regret it? Explain.
  4. What are some excuses you’ve heard people make for not following God? What are some excuses you’ve made for not following God?
  5. Why do you think people make excuses for not following God?
  6. Read Luke 14:21-23. What does it look like for God to invite the “outsiders” today? Who are the “outsiders” you know or interact with?
  7. Read 1 Timothy 2:3-4. God wants to save everyone, but it can look very different depending on who is being saved. How do you think God’s way of saving wealthy, moral, “together” people differs from how he reaches “outsiders?” How should this affect how we seek to reach different types of people?
  8. Read Matthew 28:18-20. What are some steps you can take to better follow Jesus’s “great commission” in your life?
  9. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

This is part 4 of the Perplexing Parables sermonlink series. Find this and other pursueGOD.org sermons on YouTube here.