The modern day idol of acceptance tricks us into thinking that approval from the world is more important than what God has to say about us.

Talking Points:

  • Being a prophet in Jeremiah’s day meant you had to stand up to (and against) the king, expose rampant sins, and warn about coming judgement. Prophets were often hated and Jeremiah was no exception. Jeremiah 1:6
  • It’s natural to want others to accept us. But chasing the approval of others often leads to bad choices and moral compromises. The more we try to impress others, the less we worry about impressing God. 2 Kings 17:15, Romans 12:1-2
  • We’re never alone in our journey with God. If others can’t understand or accept us for who we are as followers of Jesus, we know God still does. John 6:37
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. What are some common ways that you see people trying to gain approval from those around them? Give some specific examples.
  3. Was there ever a time when you didn’t feel accepted by someone close to you? How did it make you feel? Did you do something to try to earn their acceptance? Did it work?
  4. Jeremiah was afraid to become God’s mouthpiece for fear of what others might think. When have you spoken up for God even when it wasn’t popular? Have you missed opportunities to speak for God because of fear?
  5. Read John 6:37. What does this verse say about Jesus and you? How should we respond?
  6. Tell about a time when your desire to be accepted caused you to compromise or make a poor choice. How do you think the truth of God’s acceptance can help you to act differently in the future?
  7. Read Romans 12:2. What are “patterns of this world”? What would it look like to “transform our minds” especially in regards to the idol of acceptance?  
  8. Luke 12:1-2 and other passages talk about fearing man vs. fearing God. What does it mean to “fear man” and what does it mean to “fear God”? Why should we fear the Lord, but not fear man? (Learn about how God is a jealous God)
  9. What is a decision you are facing (new car, dating someone, having another child, school options, work decisions, time management, etc.) How can you use this topic to help you follow God with that decision instead of worrying about what anyone else might think?
  10. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?

This is Lesson 2 of 6 in the Cleanse women’s series.

Want More? (further study on this topic)

Watch the videos and read the passages. Journal your thoughts and insights as you learn who God is and evaluate if he’s the only one you worship.

Day 1: More about worldly acceptance

Watch – “Standing up for God” 

Read Galatians 1:1-10. Paul is writing a letter to a church he started, which he has heard is leaving the truth of the gospel and following other ideas.

  1. Why are the Galatians leaving the truth of the gospel? Are there times you have doubted your own faith because of others?
  2. Read verse 10 – what does Paul call himself? Whose approval have you been seeking? What does your time, energy, money, words, actions say about who you serve – God or someone else? Do you need to come back to seeking God’s approval above everything else?

Memorize this verse – Galatians 1:10

Day 2: More about God’s acceptance

Watch – “Biblical Love and Codependency” 

Read Ephesians 3:16-19. Rewrite verse 18 in your own words. Spend some time praying and journaling about these verses. How can we walk in God’s love more and worry about other’s acceptance less?

Memorize this verse – Ephesians 3:18

Day 3: Do the Cleanse

Journal – Make a list of choices you make because you are seeking others approval. Use the 4 step process below to help you overcome this idol in your life.

  1. Fix your eyes on Jesus. We need to remember God has already accepted us and Jesus is ultimately the only opinion we need to worry about. (John 6:37, Zephaniah 3:17, Ephesians 3:18)
  2. Go to the Bible. Find verses that remind you that God calls you to be different. Choose some key verses and memorize them. When you are tempted to act a certain way to impress someone else, revisit the verses. (Galatians 1:10, Romans 12:2, Micah 6:8, Isaiah 8:11)
  3. Commit to prayer before action. Before you make a decision that might be based on how someone else views you, take time to pray. Ask God to enable you to live boldly for him, and seek his approval first. (Jeremiah 1:8, Psalm 37:5, Isaiah 55:6)
  4. Seek wisdom and accountability. Seek out a mentor that is living to please Jesus and not others. Talk to someone about your struggle to be accepted, and how you often compromise. Ask for prayer and accountability, especially regarding situations where you have been living for the wrong things. (2 Corinthians 1:11, James 5:16)