Purging the Idols in a Woman’s Heart | The Cleanse
Talking Points:
- There was a time when Israel worshiped God for his provision and marveled at his miracles. The relationship between God and his people was fresh and new – like that of a young married couple. Jeremiah 2:2-3
- An idol is the worship of something or someone revered above all else. In other words, an idol is anything in our lives that we value more than God. Jeremiah 2:7-11
- Our idols are like broken pots or wells that can’t hold water. We can keep trying to collect water in them but the water will continue to seep out. Only God can provide the refreshing drink we need. Jeremiah 2:12-13
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- What are some idols our culture encourages us to worship? How are those things reinforced or promoted in our society?
- Read Jeremiah 2:1-3. Share a time you were on a spiritual high with God. What did you learn about God during that time? Why is it hard to sustain that level of intimacy all the time?
- Read Jeremiah 2:4-7. Share a time God provided for you. Why do we so easily forget to give God credit for all he’s done in the past when we’re facing hard times now?
- Read Jeremiah 2:13. Why is it so common to want to replace God with something else? What are some of the “broken cisterns” you’ve put your hope in instead of God?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
This is Lesson 1 of 6 in the Cleanse women’s series.
Want More? (for further study on this topic)
Watch the videos and read the passages to prepare your heart for this series. Journal your thoughts and insights as you learn who God is and evaluate if he’s the only one you worship.
Day 1
Watch – “The Absurdity of Life Without God”
Read Jeremiah 2. Write down all God’s grievances with Israel. What is the Israelites pattern of behavior?
Read Exodus 20:1-4. What are the first two commandments? What do you think it means that God is a jealous God?
Day 2
Watch – “God Is Chasing You”
Read John 4:1-15. Why do you think Jesus engaged with this woman? What is the gift Jesus is referring to in verse 10? What is Jesus trying to get the woman to understand about the water she really needs?
Read Revelation 7:16-17. Who is the spring of living water? Do you believe that God is all you need to be fulfilled? Why or why not?
The Idol of Acceptance | The Cleanse
Talking Points:
- Being a prophet in Jeremiah’s day meant you had to stand up to (and against) the king, expose rampant sins, and warn about coming judgement. Prophets were often hated and Jeremiah was no exception. Jeremiah 1:6
- It’s natural to want others to accept us. But chasing the approval of others often leads to bad choices and moral compromises. The more we try to impress others, the less we worry about impressing God. 2 Kings 17:15, Romans 12:1-2
- We’re never alone in our journey with God. If others can’t understand or accept us for who we are as followers of Jesus, we know God still does. John 6:37
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- What are some common ways that you see people trying to gain approval from those around them? Give some specific examples.
- Was there ever a time when you didn’t feel accepted by someone close to you? How did it make you feel? Did you do something to try to earn their acceptance? Did it work?
- Jeremiah was afraid to become God’s mouthpiece for fear of what others might think. When have you spoken up for God even when it wasn’t popular? Have you missed opportunities to speak for God because of fear?
- Read John 6:37. What does this verse say about Jesus and you? How should we respond?
- Tell about a time when your desire to be accepted caused you to compromise or make a poor choice. How do you think the truth of God’s acceptance can help you to act differently in the future?
- Read Romans 12:2. What are “patterns of this world”? What would it look like to “transform our minds” especially in regards to the idol of acceptance?
- Luke 12:1-2 and other passages talk about fearing man vs. fearing God. What does it mean to “fear man” and what does it mean to “fear God”? Why should we fear the Lord, but not fear man? (Learn about how God is a jealous God)
- What is a decision you are facing (new car, dating someone, having another child, school options, work decisions, time management, etc.) How can you use this topic to help you follow God with that decision instead of worrying about what anyone else might think?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
This is Lesson 2 of 6 in the Cleanse women’s series.
Want More? (further study on this topic)
Watch the videos and read the passages. Journal your thoughts and insights as you learn who God is and evaluate if he’s the only one you worship.
Day 1: More about worldly acceptance
Watch – “Standing up for God”
Read Galatians 1:1-10. Paul is writing a letter to a church he started, which he has heard is leaving the truth of the gospel and following other ideas.
- Why are the Galatians leaving the truth of the gospel? Are there times you have doubted your own faith because of others?
- Read verse 10 – what does Paul call himself? Whose approval have you been seeking? What does your time, energy, money, words, actions say about who you serve – God or someone else? Do you need to come back to seeking God’s approval above everything else?
Memorize this verse – Galatians 1:10
Day 2: More about God’s acceptance
Watch – “Biblical Love and Codependency”
Read Ephesians 3:16-19. Rewrite verse 18 in your own words. Spend some time praying and journaling about these verses. How can we walk in God’s love more and worry about other’s acceptance less?
Memorize this verse – Ephesians 3:18
Day 3: Do the Cleanse
Journal – Make a list of choices you make because you are seeking others approval. Use the 4 step process below to help you overcome this idol in your life.
- Fix your eyes on Jesus. We need to remember God has already accepted us and Jesus is ultimately the only opinion we need to worry about. (John 6:37, Zephaniah 3:17, Ephesians 3:18)
- Go to the Bible. Find verses that remind you that God calls you to be different. Choose some key verses and memorize them. When you are tempted to act a certain way to impress someone else, revisit the verses. (Galatians 1:10, Romans 12:2, Micah 6:8, Isaiah 8:11)
- Commit to prayer before action. Before you make a decision that might be based on how someone else views you, take time to pray. Ask God to enable you to live boldly for him, and seek his approval first. (Jeremiah 1:8, Psalm 37:5, Isaiah 55:6)
- Seek wisdom and accountability. Seek out a mentor that is living to please Jesus and not others. Talk to someone about your struggle to be accepted, and how you often compromise. Ask for prayer and accountability, especially regarding situations where you have been living for the wrong things. (2 Corinthians 1:11, James 5:16)
The Idol of Fear | The Cleanse
Talking Points:
- Our fear response puts us at the center of the situation relying on our own perspective to deal with it rather than trusting God. Proverbs 3:5-6
- God doesn’t use fear to motivate us or to steer us. Fear is a tool of the enemy who is always trying to derail us from our pursuit of God. God operates out of love. 1 John 4:16-18
- We need to actively work against fear in our lives and replace it with biblical truth that feeds our trust in God and his plan. Philippians 4:6-7
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Describe a time when the fight or flight response helped you get out of a tough situation.
- Make a list of some of your biggest fears. Why did those make the list? What is at the root of each of those fears?
- How has fear been an idol in your life? Why is it more natural for us to rely on ourselves?
- Read 1 John 4:16-18. Identify every key description about love and fear in this passage. Why is love the opposite of fear?
- What does it mean to you that there is no fear in God’s love? How can that truth change the way you look at hard situations in your life?
- Read Proverbs 3:5-6. What are the potential consequences of trusting our own perspective over God’s?
- How do you think doing the cleanse be helpful to you as you battle fear?
- Read Matthew 6:25-31. What are these verses saying about worry? Why can we be confident that God will take care of our lives?
- Read Philippians 4:6-7. What should we pray for when we’re battling the fear idol? Why is being thankful part of the equation?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
This is Lesson 3 of 6 in the Cleanse women’s series.
Want More? (for further study on this topic)
Watch the videos and read the passages. Journal your thoughts and insights as you learn who God is and evaluate if he’s the only one you worship.
Day 1: More about fear
Watch – “Psalm 56: Trusting God in Desperate Times”
Read Romans 8:31-39. Rewrite this passage and make it personal to yourself by replacing us, we, ours and our with me, my, mine. What does this passage say about God? How does this passage help you to view your idol of fear?
Read 1 Peter 5:6-8 .What fears do you need to surrender to God right now? How does the enemy try to torture and deceive you? How can you combat that?
Memorize this verse – 1 John 4:18
Day 2: More about trust
Watch – “Kinda Sorta Christian- I Believe in God but Don’t Trust Him Fully”
Read Psalm 121. Write down everything that God does for us. What does this passage say about the character of God? How does understanding God’s character help you to face your idol of fear?
Read Isaiah 40:25-31. Write down all that this passage says about God. Why is God worthy of your trust? What can you do to start trusting God more with the fears that plague you?
Memorize this verse – Proverbs 3:5-6
Day 3: Do the Cleanse
Journal – Make a list of everything that causes you to fear. Identify the reasons why those things cause you to fear.
- Fix your eyes of Jesus. We need to remember who is really in charge of our lives. We need to start by trusting that God will walk with us and will provide for us along the way. (Matthew 6:25-30, 1 Peter 5:6-8)
- Go to the Bible. Read these verses that speak to fear. When you start to cling to fear, speak these verses over the situation and quiet the worrisome thoughts that creep in. (Isaiah 30:18,Proverbs 3:5-6, Philippians 4:6-7)
- Commit to prayer before action. Don’t start by trusting in your own perspective. Start the journey by surrendering to God and laying your burdens before him. Pray, “Lord, I choose to lay this (insert your fear) before you. I trust that you will provide what I need and will show me where to go. I refuse to let the idol of fear rule my life any longer.” ( Psalm 17:6, Romans 12:12)
- Seek wisdom and accountability. Talk to a trusted friend or mentor in your life to find encouragement. Confess your idol of fear to them and ask them to hold you accountable. Be honest when you’re struggling and share your victories along the way. Ask them to pray for you to battle against fear and learn to instead cling to God. (Hebrews 10:25 Romans 12:9-13)
The Idol of Envy | The Cleanse
Talking Points:
- When we long for a different life we are saying that what God has given us, or the life that we have, is not good enough. When we doubt the goodness of God and His control over our lives we only need to look at the cross. Romans 8:32
- If we do not have something it is because God who is good and knows all has decided that it is not best for us at that time. If we become envious of what another has, we can not really love them. Romans 12:15
- Envy blinds us from recognizing our blessings and leads to a life of discontent. We need to desire the things of God rather than the things of this world. Proverbs 14:30, Colossians 3:1-2
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- How does our world today keep us always wanting more?
- Discuss how envy has affected your life and relationships.
- Read Ecclesiastes 2:10-11. The book of Ecclesiastes was written by Solomon, probably the richest man who ever lived. What does Solomon observe about life?
- Read Isaiah 55:1-3. According to this passage, what does God want us to do?
- Can you think of times in your life when you have been so focused on what you did not have that it prevented you from enjoying what you do have?
- How is envy a denial of the goodness of God?
- Read Romans 8:32. What are your thoughts about God when you read this verse? How can this verse impact your struggle with envy?
- Mellissa Kruger wrote The Envy of Eve. In it she states, “Our belief that all our days are ordained by His loving and providential plan is a powerful weapon in our battle with discontentment and coveting(envy).” What do you think she meant by this? How can you use this insight as a weapon in your life?
- Read Matthew 22:36-40 How does envy lead us to break both the command to love God and to love our neighbor?
- Can you think of a time when not getting what you longed for at a particular time was actually better for you later?
- Read Colossians 3:1-2. What are some specific ways you can set your heart on things above rather than on earthly things?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
This is Lesson 4 of 6 in the Cleanse women’s series.
Want More? (for further study on this topic)
Watch the video and read the passages. Journal your thoughts and insights as you learn who God is and evaluate if he’s the only one you worship.
Day 1: More about envy
Read Genesis 29:14-30:24 What did Leah want most? What did Rachel want most?
- As you read, take note of all the many ways their envy impacted their lives with each other, with their husband and with their children.
- Notice the meaning of the name that Rachel chose for her son in 30:24. Do you think receiving what she had been longing for brought satisfaction to her? Can you relate to this in your own life?
Memorize this verse – Romans 8:32
Day 2: More about contentment
Watch – “How Greed Works”
Read Philippians 4:11-12. Paul says that contentment is something that he has learned. What do you see about Paul’s life in these verses that may have contributed to his learning?
Read 2 Corinthians 12:10. What do you think Paul means that when we are weak, then we are strong? Do you think that this is something you have learned in your life? Why or why not?
Read Hebrews 13:5. How does knowing that God will never fail or abandon you help you to be content in this life? How can loving money put you in bondage?
Memorize this verse – 2 Peter 1:3
Day 3: Do the Cleanse
Journal – Make a list of things that cause you to be envious of others. Why do you care so much about those things?
- Fix your eyes of Jesus. We need to remember who is really in charge of our lives. We need to start by trusting that God will walk with us and will provide for us along the way. (Colossians 3:1-2, Matthew 6:33, 1 Peter 5:6-8)
- Go to the Bible. Find verses that speak to your situation or to the character of God. Choose some key verses and memorize them. When you find yourself envious, speak those verses over the situation and quiet the envious thoughts that creep in. (Philippians 4:19, Romans 8:32, Isaiah 30:15, Romans 13:14, Philippians 4:8)
- Commit to prayer before action. Start the journey by surrendering to God and laying your desires before him. Confess your sin of envy and ask him to show you the way he wants you to think about your situation and how he’s leading you to respond. (Jeremiah 29:12, Psalm 17:6,Romans 12:12)
- Seek wisdom and accountability. Talk to trusted people in your life to find encouragement. Confess your idol of envy to others and ask them to hold you accountable. Ask them to pray for you to battle against this idol and instead cling to God. (Hebrews 10:25 Romans 12:9-13)
The Idol of Bitterness | The Cleanse
Talking Points:
- Bitterness is prolonged anger toward a person who has wronged us. And, if not dealt with, it will breed hostility and resentment in our hearts.
- Bitterness is like weeds in a garden. If we don’t pull it from its roots it will choke out the healthy stuff. Ephesians 4:31, Hebrews 12:15
- The only way to truly uproot bitterness from our lives is through forgiveness. God didn’t choose bitterness over forgiveness. Jesus came to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:6-8
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Put yourself somewhere on the personality spectrum: At one end, the person who forgets nothing. The other end, the person who lets everything roll off their back. How has your personality helped you when you’ve been hurt or offended? How has your personality hindered you when you’ve been hurt or offended?
- Define bitterness in your own words. Why is bitterness such a common struggle?
- How have you seen bitterness destroy a person’s life and relationships?
- Have you ever sought the “high” of bitterness? Explain why you wanted that or how you thought that would help you?
- Read Hebrews 12:15. How do we allow bitterness to take root in our hearts? How does it corrupt us and our relationships?
- Why is forgiveness a powerful antidote to bitterness? Have you seen forgiveness heal relationships in your life? Explain.
- Read Romans 5:6-11. At what point did Christ die for us? Why is this distinction important to our understanding of forgiveness?
- How does understanding God’s gift of forgiveness change the way you view the people who have hurt you? What steps might you need to take with those people?
- Read Colossians 3:12-13. Identify all the qualities we should “put on” as followers of Jesus. Which of those qualities are hardest for you? Explain.
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
This is part 5 of 6 of the Cleanse women’s series.
Want More? (for further study on this topic)
Watch the videos and read the passages. Journal your thoughts and insights as you learn who God is and evaluate if he’s the only one you worship.
Day 1: More about bitterness
Watch – “How to Get Rid of Bitterness”
Read Micah 7:18-19. Rewrite verse 18 in your own words. Define the word compassion. How has God been compassionate toward you? How can you be more compassionate toward others in your life?
Read Romans 12:17-21. Think about a person you have been bitter toward. Have you done anything to create peace in that relationship? Explain. Why is revenge unhelpful? Put verse 20 in your own words. What are some practical things you could do to serve someone that has wronged you?
Memorize this verse – Romans 12:17
Day 2: More about forgiveness
Watch – “Is Forgiveness the Same as Forgetting?”
Read Colossians 3:12-13. What qualities should define us as Christians? Why do you think Paul describes these qualities as something we have to put on like clothes? What do you think it means to make allowance for someone’s faults? In what ways can you be more gracious toward those who have hurt you?
Read Ephesians 4:31-32. Why are words so powerful? Describe a time someone’s words really hurt you. Write a sentence stating that you forgive that person for their words, even if they haven’t asked for it. How have your words hurt others in your life? Prayerfully consider apologizing to those people who have been hurt by your words.
Memorize this verse – Ephesians 4:32
Day 3: Do the cleanse
Journal – Write down the people who have hurt you with whom you may have some unresolved business.
- Fix your eyes on Jesus. Jesus modeled a heart of forgiveness toward our great offenses to him. If we love Jesus, then we need to choose forgiveness over bitterness. (Proverbs 24:29, Colossians 3:8)
- Go to the Bible. Read the verses below that speak to bitterness and forgiveness. When you’re tempted to take the bitterness drug, replace those thoughts with the truth of God’s word. Remind yourself of how much God has forgiven you. (Ephesians 1:7, Micah 7:18-19, Romans 5:6-11, Colossians 3:12-13)
- Commit to prayer before action. When someone hurts or offends you, before you do anything else, pray. Pray for that person’s heart and pray for your heart to be protected from the root of bitterness. (Philippians 2:3-4, Matthew 5:44, James 5:16, Colossians 1:9-10)
- Seek wisdom and accountability. Talk to a trusted friend or mentor in your life and invite them to walk with you on this journey. Confess your idol of bitterness to others and ask them to hold you accountable. Ask them to pray for you to battle against this idol and grow in your ability to forgive. (Hebrews 10:25 Romans 12:9-13)
The Gift of Grace | The Cleanse
Talking Points:
- God knows what we are like and still desires to have us in his family and he offers us the grace and forgiveness that we need. Psalm 103:8, Jeremiah 3:12-15
- We need to acknowledge our guilt and confess our sin but we also must remember that He is our master. We must submit to His lordship in our lives. 1 John 1:5-10
- We can be nourished by his Word, encouraged by his people and empowered by the Holy Spirit to live freely for him. Jeremiah 31:33-34
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Read Jeremiah 3:12-15 List the words in this passage that describe the character of God. Then list the descriptions of people.
- What does God say he will do for people in this same passage?
- What kind of emotions do you experience when you think that God wants you to “come home” to Him.
- Read I John 1:5-10 Do you find it difficult to admit when you have sinned? What does this section of scripture teach us?
- How do you respond when confronted with your own weaknesses and sin? What keeps you from returning to the Lord?
- Read II Corinthians 5:14-21 and answer the questions 6-8.
- How should our lives be different because we have experienced the love of God?
- What comfort do you see in verse 17? How do you think this can be seen in your daily life?
- What do you think it means to be an ambassador for Christ?
- Comment on the RC Sproul quote “The more we understand how kind God has been to us and the more we are overcome by His mercy, the more we are inclined to love Him and to serve Him”. Have you seen this to be true in your life?
- Do you find yourself spending as much time in prayer asking God for things as you do thanking him for his grace and forgiveness? Are there changes that you feel need to be made in this area of your life? Explain.
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
This is lesson 6 of 6 in the Cleanse women’s series.
Want More? (for further study on this topic)
Watch the videos and read the passages. Journal your thoughts and insights as you learn who God is and why his grace means so much to us.
Day 1
Watch – “What Is Grace?”
- How is God described in this verse?
- What does this verse say that God can do in your life and what would it look like in your life?
- Who is doing the work, you or God?
- If God is doing the work, what is your role?
- Spend some time meditating on this passage and thinking of how this can be applied to you.
Day 2
Watch – “Grace for Believers”
Read Hebrews 4:14-16:
- What things can you learn about God from this passage?
- How can the knowledge that Jesus experienced every temptation help you as you deal with temptation today?
- Why can we approach God with confidence?
Read Psalm 95:1-7. Spend some time in worship to the Lord.
Day 3: Do the cleanse
Journal – Write down some instances where you have seen God’s grace at work in your life.
- Fix your eyes on Jesus. We need to reflect on the grace that God has for us as his children. We need to start by trusting God and remembering it is by his grace that we are saved. (Romans 3:24, Ephesians 2:8-9, Romans 5:8)
- Go to the Bible. Find verses that speak of the grace of God. Choose some key verses and memorize them.(Psalm 103:12, Titus 2:11)
- Commit to prayer before action. Start the journey by thanking God for the incredible grace and mercy he gives to you each day. Ask him to show you the areas of your life where you still need to come home to him. (Psalm 139:23-24, Psalm 17:6)
- Seek wisdom and accountability. Talk to trusted people in your life to find encouragement to focus on grace. (Hebrews 10:25 Romans 12:9-13)