The 2019 Marriage Retreat

Tag: Training (Small Groups)

Great Groups Must Be Intentional

Small groups are designed to be places where growing disciples make other disciples. To accomplish that goal, groups must be intentional about several important priorities.

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Creating an Outwardly Focused Small Group

Small groups that become inwardly focused, concerned mainly about their own members, are unlikely to ever reproduce. It takes intentional leadership to help a small group develop a concern for those people who are not part of the group yet.

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Small Group Rally (Series)

Rallying the troops for another great season of small groups? Use the training topics below for workshops during the rally and for follow-up training after the rally.

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How to Identify Future Leaders

One key element of successful leadership is raising up future leaders. But how do we determine who we should give leadership attention and responsibility to?

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Group Leaders Have Limits

One benefit of small groups is that a group often becomes an important care-giving and support network in challenging circumstances. But there are limits.

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