The 2019 Marriage Retreat

Tag: Theological Distinctives

Cultish (Series)

Some modern day religions claim to be Christians…but are they really? Go through this series with a small group or mentor, and let’s take a closer look at some religions that may actually be cultish.

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God’s Grace: Prevenient vs. Irresistible

Calvinists and Arminians agree that humans are saved by God’s grace alone. Does God apply grace in advance to allow people the capacity to follow him? Or does God apply grace to those who are chosen, in order to actually bring about their salvation?

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Divine Election: Conditional or Unconditional?

The word “election” refers to the process of choosing. The Bible teaches that God chooses those who believe. But is God’s choice unconditional, based only on his own will? Or is God’s choice conditional, based on some quality or action of the person who is saved?

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Human Nature: Inability or Free Will?

The two theological systems known as Calvinism and Arminianism disagree about many things. Their greatest agreement comes in their understanding of the human condition. The difference between the two approaches has to do with how God acts to remedy the human problem.

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Three Views on the Millennium

“Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond” presents readers with a comprehensive exploration of postmillennialism, amillennialism, and premillennialism. Which view makes the most sense to you?

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The Tribulation and the AntiChrist

The Tribulation refers to a period of suffering at the end of history. The Antichrist is the satanically inspired climax of the world’s rebellion against God. He will exalt himself and actually claim to be God.

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What is Eschatology?

Eschatology is the study of last things, whether the events that will happen to an individual after death, or the more general events that will happen in the future of this world, leading up to and following the return of Jesus Christ.

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Spiritual Warfare and the Armor of God

Spiritual warfare is a real thing, and the Bible teaches that Satan and demons intend to drive us away from God and his purposes for our lives. But God has given us resources to resist the devil and his schemes.

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