The 2019 Marriage Retreat

Tag: Salvation/Atonement

Overview of Romans 1-4

In this sketchbook series we look at the first four chapters of Romans and lay the groundwork for understanding the entire letter.

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5 Doctrines Every Christian Believes

Christian beliefs have been around for two thousand years, and there is no shortage of debate among Christian churches when it comes to doctrine. But in spite of all the minor differences, there are five basic truths that every Christian church agrees upon.

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How Can I Be Worthy of Heaven?

Many people think they can be worthy enough for heaven by simply working harder to be better, to be more righteous, or to be more holy. But the Bible says the way we are made worthy to enter into heaven is through faith in Jesus.

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Lessons from the Prodigal Son

In Luke 15, Jesus told the story of a father and two sons to explain the different ways people can be separated from God. He wanted us to see the heart of God for those who are lost: both the rule breakers and the rule-keepers.

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Is Jesus the Only Way to God?

Our culture teaches us that there are many ways to God, and each world religion is a valid path to him. But the Bible says that there is only one way to God: through Jesus Christ.

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Covenants in the Bible

Throughout the Bible, God makes covenants with people. In biblical theology, these kinds of covenants are important because they reveal a fundamental truth: people need God.

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Grace and Good Works

Christians talk a lot about grace, but what about doing the right things in life? What is the relationship between grace and good works?

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Amazing Grace

If you’ve ever received a gift with no strings attached, then you understand something about God. God is a generous, giving God – a God of grace.

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