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Cultish (Series)
Some modern day religions claim to be Christians…but are they really? Go through this series with a small group or mentor, and let’s take a closer look at some religions that may actually be cultish.
How Imago Dei Changes Everything
The core ethic of Biblical Christianity has shaped entire cultures and gives us an answer to the question of life’s meaning.
Why You Can Rely on the Biblical Canon
Despite scrutiny from skeptics, Christians can be confident in the process that selected the books that are found in the Bible.
How Christianity Is Unique Among World Religions
Christianity isn’t just about abstract beliefs. It’s rooted in a historical claim – the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3 Spiritual Conversation Starters
How do you start a spiritual conversation? Here are three tips to get a conversation going.
4 Assumptions of Modern Science
When a scientist puts on a lab coat and starts taking measurements, it’s nothing but the facts, right? Not quite.
Reading Revelation through Four Lenses
The book of Revelation can be hard to understand and apply to our lives, but it helps if we read it through four “lenses”.
Is There Really “No Evidence” for God’s Existence?
Many Atheists and skeptics will claim that there is no evidence for God’s existence. Are they right?
Should We Believe in Miracles Today?
Jesus said that we’ll do even greater works than he did. Does that mean we should all be miracle-workers?
15 Things Not to Say to an Atheist
What do atheists wish Christians would stop saying to them about faith and religion?
How the Biblical Canon Was Formed
Where did the Bible come from, and how can we know that it’s truly authoritative in our lives today?
Resurrection Evidence: 5 Reasons to Believe that Jesus Really Rose
Christians believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. This isn’t a myth or a fable, but a fact of history.
Hasn’t Christianity Caused More Harm than Good?
History reveals that bloodshed and horror has often been perpetrated in the name of religion, and Christianity is not exempt from this evil legacy. Does that disprove a biblical faith?
Is the Transmission of the Bible Like the “Telephone Game”?
Is comparing the translation of the Bible comparable to the popular party game of “telephone”?
The Absurdity of Life Without God
Without God, life has no objective meaning and moral values have no objective basis.
6 Fallacies to Avoid in Apologetics
Discover six common red herrings so you can keep your apologetics and evangelistic conversations on-task.
Are the New Testament Authors Reliable Historical Sources?
The gospel accounts were written by Christians. Does that necessarily mean they can’t be trusted as reliable historical evidence for Jesus’s life, death, burial, and resurrection?
5 Obstacles to Faith in Christ
Wouldn’t it be nice to share the gospel once and then pray the prayer? Why doesn’t that happen?
Who Did Jesus Think He Was?
Jesus’s followers know who they think he was, but what about Jesus himself? Did he really want people to believe he was God, or did later Christians make up this idea about him?
4 Views on Religion and Science
A lot of what is assumed to be “science” is actually philosophy. Understanding which is which is crucial for thinking and talking clearly about the similarities and differences between religion and science.