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Is Anyone Too Far Gone for God?
Talking Points:
- We live in a world that encourages us to seek our own will, usually to the detriment of our spiritual health. You might be sitting here thinking about all the past mistakes and sins you’ve committed, wondering if it’s too late. Today as we start a new mini-series within our study of Acts, we’ll be asking the question: Is anyone too far gone for God?
- Starting today in Acts 8, we see the story of a guy who was definitely too far gone for God, at least from a Jewish religious perspective. But he kept seeking anyway, and he found the surprising answer to this question: No one is too far gone for God!
- After leading a revival in Samaria, God then sent Philip down a desert path that seemingly led nowhere of value. Doesn’t life feel like this sometimes? Regardless, Gad had equipped Philip with a message to share. Acts 8:26
- Upon traveling down this road, Philip encountered a man seemingly unworthy of God’s attention: “a eunuch of great authority under the Kandake, the queen of Ethiopia.” Philip began to understand why he was there… Acts 8:27-31
- After walking alongside the eunuch, in more ways than one, Philip seized the opportunity to share the message of Jesus with him! He did not hesitate to share the good news, no matter how “unworthy” this guy seemed. Acts 8:34-35
- Is anyone too far gone for God? No! This is what the eunuch learned: his uncleanness, his unworthiness, his unJewishness, nothing could separate him from God anymore. Jesus opened the door for him with his death and resurrection, and the same is true for you.
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Before listening to the podcast, how would you have answered today’s question? What are some examples of things that might make us think we’re “too far gone for God”?
- Describe a time when you have felt unworthy, or have had spiritual doubt. Did this draw you closer to the Lord, or further?
- Read Acts 8:27-28. What are some things we can learn about the eunuch based on this passage? What made him “unworthy”?
- Despite the things he had done, what actually made the eunuch worthy of receiving Jesus’ good news? How is this applicable to all of us?
- Read Acts 8:29-30. Identify a ‘Philip’ in your own life. How has this person walked alongside you, and what are some ways God has used them to encourage you?
- Read Romans 8:38-39. Are you convinced too? Or are you too far gone for God? Explain your answer.
How Does Spiritual Conversion Actually Work?
Talking Points:
- Today we’ll look at the dramatic conversion story of Saul and what we can generalize from his experience. Along the way we’ll answer this question: How does spiritual conversion actually work?
- Conversion is one of the crucial elements of salvation, along with intellectual assent, conviction, illumination, etc. It marks the beginning of the Christian life and is an individual’s response to the gospel invitation. 2 Corinthians 5:17
- Saul encountered Jesus on the road to Damascus on the way to persecuting his followers. Look for the elements of salvation in his story as you read Acts 9.
- Saul’s experience culminated in spiritual conversion, which boils down to two earthly responses: repentance and faith. Even today, this is how spiritual conversion works. Romans 10:9
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- After listening to the podcast, how would you explain conversion in your own words?
- Have you ever heard someone’s conversion story and thought it was more dramatic than yours? What is the truth about all conversion stories?
- What are some things of this world that personally lead you down the way of death? What are some things you can do to change course?
- Read Acts 9:3-4. Describe a time you were convicted of something. Did you respond like Paul? If not, how did you respond?
- Why is the word “submission” generally disliked? What does it mean to “submit to Jesus”?
- Think of someone in your own life who might not know the gospel? What is a way you can help guide them towards that?
How Can You Know If You’re Really Saved?
Talking Points:
- The Bible teaches that false conversions are a thing. Today we’ll answer this question: How can you know if you’re really saved? Matthew 7:21-23
- Even though Saul had been a Christian for 3 years, the Jerusalem believers doubted it. At first, they thought he was a false convert. Acts 9:26
- Paul (Saul) himself later raises this question to some “believers” in Corinth. He challenged the believers to examine themselves. 2 Corinthians 13:5
- Ask these three questions to test your faith: Have you trusted Jesus? Are you honoring God? Are you sharing it with others?
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Do you think Saul ever doubted his salvation? Why or why not?
- Why do you think the believers doubted Saul was truly saved?
- What are some reasons people doubt their salvation? Make a list.
- Read 1 John 3:9-10. What does it mean to make a “practice of sinning”? What about a “practice of righteousness”?
- Take some time this week to examine your own faith with these three questions: Have you trusted Jesus? Are you honoring God? Are you sharing it with others?
Did God Change How Salvation Works?
Talking Points:
- The salvation process can be tricky to understand when we compare the Old Testament with the New Testament. Today we’ll be answering this question: did God change how salvation works?
- In the Old Testament, many thought that salvation came by keeping the 613 commandments. But the New Testament shows a different way: salvation comes by grace through faith in Jesus.
- The Lord gave Peter a vision of traditionally clean and unclean animals to eat, and told him to eat all of them. This was to teach Peter that because of Jesus, there is no such thing as clean or unclean anymore. Acts 10:11-16
- The law pointed to the one to come, the Messiah. In the New Testament, we finally put a name to that person. From the Old to the New Testament, salvation has always been about faith in Jesus. Galatians 3:1, Romans 4:1-3
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Did you realize there were more than 10 commandments? What was the purpose of all those laws? What are some rules you have felt obligated to follow, whether from your church, family, etc.?
- Explain Peter’s vision. What did it mean? What was so groundbreaking about this?
- Think about a time you felt “unclean”. What does God have to say about that? Was this true even before Jesus?
- Read Romans 4:1-3. How was Abraham saved if Jesus hadn’t come yet? What does “faith” mean?
- How would you answer this week’s question after today’s discussion: Did God change how salvation works?
- Did God Change How Salvation Works?
- Salvation 101 (Series)
- How Good is Good Enough?
- The Rules of the Pharisees
- What Mormons Believe About Salvation
- The Elements of Salvation in Christian Theology
- The Biblical Doctrine of Atonement
- Getting Right With God
- Holy Week – Easter
- Holy Week – Good Friday
- What Is Arminianism?
- Three Lessons from the Prodigal Father
- Have You Fallen For a Different “Gospel”?
- Jesus Reverses The Curse
- One Moment | The Grid Day #14
- Was Simon the Sorcerer a True Believer?
- Core Doctrine
- Can I Believe in Jesus and Not Be Saved?
- How Spiritual Conversion Actually Works
- 7 False Teachings to Avoid
- After Death Is There a Final Chance to Be Saved?
- Am I Really Saved If I Keep Sinning?
- The Ancient Secret of God’s Eternal Plan
- The Good News Changes Everything
- Does Baptism Save?
- What If I Can’t Identify My Defining Moment?
- 7 Major Events in the History of God and People
- Is My Sin Really a Problem?
- Be Sure You’ll Get to Heaven
- Make Sure You Get Jesus Right
- The Grounds of Our Assurance
- It Is Finished | Last Words #4
- What It Means That Jesus Saves
- Will I Make It to Heaven? | Perry’s Story
- Changed by Eternity | Jason’s Story
- Covenants in the Bible
- What Does It Mean to be “Born Again”?
- Getting to the Faith Moment
- What It Means to Be Made Right with God
- Is Religion Enough?
- The Cost of Salvation
- How Much Info Do You Need to Be Saved?
- How Do I Become a Christian?
- Can Christians Lose Their Salvation?
- The Cross of Jesus and the Altar
- What if I’m Not Ready for My Faith Moment?
- The Cross of Jesus and the Courtroom
- The Book of Titus: Only God Can Rescue Us
- Justification by Faith
- Christmas: From Those Who Were There (Series)
- What Is the Atonement?
- Overview of Romans 1-4
- 5 Doctrines Every Christian Believes
- What Is Prevenient Grace?
- Universalism, Heaven, and Hell
- How Abraham’s Covenant Includes Us
- Understanding Your Sinful Nature
- Lessons from the Prodigal Son
- Is Jesus the Only Way to God?
- How the Resurrection Makes Us Right with God
- What Happens to People who Never Hear About Jesus?
- Covenants in the Bible
- Grace and Good Works