How to Preach This Sermon:
- Preview this sermon with the video, podcast, and article below.
- Access this sermon’s slide template on Canva and customize as needed.
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Holy Week – Palm Sunday
How do you see Jesus? Palm Sunday opens our eyes to Jesus as he really is, not as we expect him to be.
Talking Points:
- Some see Jesus as a threat – and reject him no matter what the evidence says. John 12:9-11
- Some see Jesus as Lord – and obey him even when they don’t have the full picture. Luke 19:29-31, Zechariah 9:9
- Some people see their own version of Jesus – and desert him when he fails to meet their expectations. Matthew 21:8-9
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- In our culture today, why is Jesus a threat? Before you came to Jesus, what were you unwilling to give up for Him?
- Read John 12:9-11. Why were the priests threatened by Jesus? What did Lazarus signify to them?
- Read John 19:29-31. How do you relate to the disciples in this story – trusting in Jesus even when you don’t understand the full picture?
- Read Matthew 21:8-9. Why were the people willing to give Jesus such a grand welcome that day? Why was their version of Jesus wrong?
- Read Matthew 27:22. Why do Christians tend to desert Jesus today? How have you been guilty of creating your own version of Jesus?
- Read Revelation 7:9-10. How do you need to let Jesus back on the throne of your life?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
How to Preach This Sermon:
- Preview this sermon with the video, podcast, and article below.
- Access this sermon’s slide template on Canva and customize as needed.
- Preach this sermon and direct families, small groups, and mentors to
- Click on the dark gray tabs above for additional sermons in this series.
Holy Week – Good Friday
As we remember Good Friday, we can learn from the unlikely characters who encountered Jesus on the road to Golgotha – the site of the crucifixion.
Talking Points:
- Simon of Cyrene: Sometimes life brings surprises – and we find ourselves suddenly confronted with the cross. Luke 23:26
- The crowd of women: When a sense of sin has been awakened in us, we will mourn – not for what Christ has suffered, but for what He suffered for us. Luke 23:27-31
- The two criminals: We’re all criminals at the foot of the cross, and we can respond to Jesus with skepticism or belief. Luke 23:32-33, 39-43
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Share a life event that caused you to question your faith. How did you resolve that tension or what did you learn from that struggle?
- Read Luke 23:26. What do you think Simon thought as he carried that heavy cross? What are some heavy burdens you’re currently carrying?
- Read Luke 23:27-31 and Isaiah 53:5. How have you viewed Good Friday in the past? What should we really be grieving on this day?
- Read Luke 23:32-43. How have you acted more like the first criminal in the passage? What was the attitude of the second criminal that ultimately changed his eternal destiny?
- Read 1 John 1:9. What is required for salvation? How will you approach Jesus this Good Friday?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
How to Preach This Sermon:
- Preview this sermon with the video, podcast, and article below.
- Access this sermon’s slide template on Canva and customize as needed.
- Preach this sermon and direct families, small groups, and mentors to
- Click on the dark gray tabs above for additional sermons in this series.
Holy Week – Easter
Three days after his crucifixion, Jesus was raised from the dead. His appearance to two disciples on the road to Emmaus opens our eyes to his true identity.
Talking Points:
- On the road to Emmaus, two disciples explained the events of Holy Week to Jesus – without recognizing it was him! Their explanation revealed their ignorance of his true identity and purpose. Luke 24:13-21
- Jesus revealed the part they missed (his suffering) and took them through several prophecies in the Old Testament. Shortly afterward, he opened their eyes and they recognized who he was! Luke 24:25-27
- Then Jesus appeared to the other disciples and opened their minds to understand the mystery of the scriptures: that suffering was part of the plan all along. Jesus’ crowning achievement was to conquer sin and death and establish his rule in our hearts. Luke 24:45-48
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- What are your favorite Easter traditions?
- Read Luke 24:13-21. Based on the list, how have you thought of Jesus in the past? What other things would you add to the list?
- Read Luke 24:25-27 and Isaiah 53:1-12. Why is Jesus frustrated with their perspective? How have you been guilty of accepting parts of God’s truth but not others?
- Read Luke 24:31,45-48. How have your eyes been opened to Jesus like these disciples? What is the central message of Easter?
- What more do you need to learn about Jesus in order to put your trust in Him?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
- Resurrection Sunday (Mark 16)
- The Seven Questions of Pilate (Mark 15:1-15)
- The Identity of Jesus on Trial (Mark 14:53-65)
- How Do You Know If Your Faith Is Authentic? (Mark 14:12-26)
- Watch for Jesus (Mark 13:28-37)
- Are We Living In The End Times? (Mark 13:1-13)
- How Well Do You Know Your Bible? (Mark 12:28-34)
- Taxes for Caesar (Mark 12:13-17)
- Is Spiritual Authority a Thing Anymore? (Mark 11:27-12:12)
- It’s Not About the Temple (Mark 11:12-25)
- In the Highs and Lows (Mark 11:1-11)
- What’s Keeping You on the Sidelines? (Mark 10:46-52)
- The Unexpected Journey (Mark 10:32-45)
- What Must I Do? (Mark 10:17-31)
- The Key to Greatness (Mark 9:30-50)
- Anything is Possible (Mark 9:14-29)
- Jesus in the Spotlight (Mark 9:2-13)
- The Cost of Discipleship (Mark 8:31-9:1)
- Two-Stage Healing (Mark 8:22-30)
- The Difference Between Disbelief and Doubt (Mark 8:11-21)
- Gentile Territory (Mark 7:24-37)
- The Parallel Healings of Jesus (Mark 5:21-43)
- When Jesus Crosses the Line (Mark 5:1-20)
- The Mysterious and Unstoppable Kingdom of God (Mark 4:21-34)
- The Parable of the Four Soils (Mark 4:1-20)
- When Family Becomes an Idol (Mark 3:31-35)
- The Unforgivable Sin (Mark 3:22-30)
- Training the Twelve (Mark 3:7-19)
- Love vs. Legalism (Mark 2:23-3:6)
- The Heart Behind the Action (Mark 2:18-22)
- Good vs. Bad: Exploring Two Kinds of People (Mark 2:13-17)
- Jesus Is Greater Than Religion (Mark 2:1-12)
- The Healing Power of Jesus: Understanding the Story of the Leper (Mark 1:40-45)
- A Day in the Busy Life of Jesus (Mark 1:29-39)
- Jesus’ Invitation to an Upside-Down Kingdom (Mark 1:14-20)
- Jesus Gets Us: Understanding His Baptism and Temptation (Mark 1:9-15)
- John the Baptist: The Disruptive Voice in the Wilderness (Mark 1:2-8)
- The Elements of Salvation in Christian Theology
- The Biblical Doctrine of Atonement
- 5 Teachings About Jesus in the Early Church
- Three Truths for Every Pursuit of God
- The Six Antitheses of Jesus
- Holy Week – Easter
- Holy Week – Good Friday
- Holy Week – Palm Sunday
- Final Battle Instructions for the Christian Culture Wars
- The Trinity: The Deity Of The Three
- The Trinity: God Is Three Persons
- Unexpected Joy (A Christmas Story)
- The Unexpected Pregnancy
- The Unexpected Family of Jesus
- The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes
- The Promise You Might Have Missed
- 5 Connections Between Jesus and Joseph
- Jesus Is a Priest Like Melchizedek
- Jesus Reverses The Curse
- 5 Proofs That Jesus Is God
- Where Did Jesus Go Between His Death and Resurrection?
- Upside Down | The Grid Day #7
- Jesus Feeds the Multitude
- Miracle at the Healing Pool
- Jesus Heals the Official’s Son
- Resurrection Evidence: 5 Reasons to Believe that Jesus Really Rose
- Can I Believe in Jesus and Not Be Saved?
- Can We Believe in the Virgin Birth?
- 10 Facts that Prove the Supremacy of Christ
- Was Jesus Really God?
- Who Is “the Messiah” in the Bible?
- Make Sure You Get Jesus Right
- Jesus Isn’t Unique
- What It Means That Jesus Saves
- The Virgin Birth Is the Miracle of Christmas
- Did Jesus Ever Claim to Be God?
- Did Christians Invent the Story of Jesus?
- Inclusive vs Exclusive | Versus #4
- Why We Believe Jesus Rose from the Dead
- Why Did Jesus Have to Die on the Cross?
- Using the Lord’s Prayer as a Pattern for Prayer
- Jesus Wasn’t Unwilling to Serve | John 13
- What Does It Mean to be “Born Again”?
- Is Christ at the Center or the Fringe?
- The Person of Jesus
- Why Jesus Died
- The Cross of Jesus and the Altar
- An Explanation of the Gospel of the Kingdom
- The Creed of Chalcedon
- Jesus Turns Water into Wine
- Is Jesus a Superhero?
- Christmas: From Those Who Were There (Series)
- 5 Doctrines Every Christian Believes
- What Did Jesus Mean When He Said, “The Father Is Greater Than I”?
- Aristotle, Jesus, and the “Good Life”
- The Baptism of Jesus
- The 3 Temptations of Jesus
- Jesus and Zacchaeus
- Jesus Heals on the Sabbath
- The Resurrection of Jesus
- 5 Benefits of Trusting Jesus
- Is Jesus the Only Way to God?
- How the Resurrection Makes Us Right with God
- Jesus Talks with Someone Who Worries About Money