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PursueGOD is a podcast-based discipleship library. Here's how to use our resources with your family, small group, or one-on-one mentoring relationship:
- Pick a series from our homepage. There's plenty to choose from!
- Each series contains multiple lessons. Click on the numbered tabs to open each lesson.
- Each lesson includes an audio podcast. Start by listening to the podcast on your own, before you meet as a group. Take notes as needed, and listen again if it helps. Consider starting a discipleship journal to track what you're learning.
- Meet with your family, group, or mentor to talk through what you learned from the podcast. Each lesson includes shownotes, talking points, and discussion questions. Click on the # tab to explore additional topics when you're done.
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- Paul wrote this letter from a prison cell yet the letter was full of joy. In fact, it uses words for joy and rejoicing over 16 times in this short book. Philippians 1:1-7
- The secret of Paul’s joy was rooted in his relationship with Jesus. That’s why Paul encouraged the church to grow in knowledge and depth of insight – growing in understanding of God’s character and trusting His plan. Philippians 1:9-11
- We can choose joy in hard times by going all in with Jesus. We can respond with faith, not fear, when we walk with Jesus practicing spiritual disciplines like reading the Bible, praying regularly, and mentoring. Philippians 1:20-24
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Share both a joyful and difficult time in your life. How did those events impact your faith?
- Up to now, how would you describe your relationship with Jesus on a scale from “closer than ever” to “non-existent” or “somewhere in between”. Explain your answer.
- Read Philippians 1:3-7, 12-13. Why was Paul thankful for the Philippians? What was their shared mission?
- Read Philippians 1:9-10. Paul talks about growing in knowledge and insight. What does this mean to you? What’s the difference between knowing about something versus really understanding it?
- Read Philippians 1:11 and Galatians 5:22-23. What is the fruit of our salvation? How do these grow in our lives? Which one(s) do you need to grow in most?
- Read Philippians 1:20-22. Paul had a radical devotion to Jesus. How does Paul’s outlook challenge you? How will your increased devotion to Jesus help you to have joy in the harder times?
- Paul wrote what is known as the Messiah poem to articulate the attitude and actions of Jesus during His earthly ministry. Paul challenged the church to follow this example. Philippians 2:3-11
- The Philippian church functioned in a pagan culture much like we experience today. Paul’s challenge – Christians should be set apart and attractive to unbelievers. Philippians 2:12-16
- Living a Jesus-centered life means reorienting our lives toward Jesus. It means aligning with His word and example to shape our values, choices and even our entertainment choices. Philippians 2:15, Psalm 119:105
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Share your faith journey. How has your life changed since putting your trust in Jesus?
- Reread the Messiah poem from Philippians 2:5-11. How does the Messiah poem describe Jesus’ attitude and actions? How does this challenge you?
- How have you seen Christians set a bad example for unbelievers?
- Read Philippians 2:14-15. What are some things our culture elevates that go against biblical values? What are some practical ways we can speak against them?
- Read Philippians 2:16 and Psalm 119:105. What are some good guidelines to use to evaluate whether your choices (entertainment, relationships, finances) align with biblical values?
- How does the question, “Would anyone know I’m a Christian” challenge you? What areas might you still need to evaluate in order to be more aligned with Jesus?
- Paul once thought his value came from his own accomplishments and pedigree. He was a Jew and a Pharisee which meant he was part of the religious elite. Philippians 3:5-6
- The Judaizers had infiltrated the Philippian church preaching a false message that Gentiles had to become Jewish to be accepted by God. Paul vigorously spoke against that message as it left the Gentile believers feeling unworthy and like outsiders. Philippians 3:2-3
- A Jesus-centered life means we let God define our value and worth. As God’s special creation, He has given each of us unique qualities and abilities to help us fulfill the plan He has for us. Philippians 3:7-9, Psalm 139:13-17
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Who or what has most influenced your identity or self worth? How has the rise of social media damaged women and girls in your life?
- Read Philippians 3:5-6. How did Paul define himself in the past? How do we see similar attitudes reflected in our society or churches today?
- Read Philippians 3:2-3. How did the Judaizer’s message contradict the message Paul was preaching? Why is it so tempting to fall for a works-based gospel?
- Read Philippians 3:7-10. Paul taught that it’s faith, not works, that make us right with God. How should this message of grace impact our view of ourselves? What did Paul mean that he was willing to lose all else to gain Christ?
- Read Psalm 139:13-17. What special traits and abilities has God given you? How do you need to embrace those things more?
- Review the question, “What voices are you listening to about your value and worth?” Moving forward, how will you reject the garbage the world is selling and replace it with God’s truth?
- Paul ends his letter by admonishing the Philippian church to stay true to the Lord. Instead of allowing circumstances dictate the quality of his faith, Paul kept his focus on Jesus, and we should do the same. Philippians 4:1,11-13
- Paul offers a prescription for living a Jesus-centered life. It starts with choosing to be joyful, being strengthened through prayer with a heart of thanksgiving, and focusing thoughts on what is true and life-giving. Philippians 4:4-9
- Paul mentions two leaders whose conflict was creating division in the church. Paul called for peace instead of conflict and unity over division. Philippians 4:2-3
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Share a time a struggle in your life tempted you to walk away from God. What stopped you from completely giving up on your faith?
- Read Philippians 4:6-7. Share a situation that is currently creating anxiety in you. How does this passage challenge you to respond differently? Why does thankfulness have the power to change our perspective?
- Read Philippians 4:8-9. What are some examples of thoughts we should discard? What are some examples of life-giving thoughts? How can you replace the bad with the good?
- Read Romans 12:17-18. How have you seen a conflict divide households, churches and friendships? How can you make peace with someone who seeks revenge?
- What does it mean to you to stay true to the Lord? Identify the things that stick out to you from Paul’s example of how he did it.
- What are your takeaways from this series? What will you do moving forward to grow in your knowledge and understanding of Jesus and His word? What does living a Jesus-centered life mean to you?
- The ABC’s of Teaching Your Kids the Bible (Women’s Series)
- The Book of Philippians (Women’s Series)
- Enduring Hard Times (Women’s Series)
- Stressed (Women’s Series)
- Popular Psalms (Women’s Series)
- The Power of Our Words (Women’s Series)
- Unfractured
- Esther: For Such a Time As This
- The Pursuit for Women
- Popular Proverbs: Wisdom for Women
- Women of the Old Testament
- The Cleanse
- Fruits of the Spirit
- Calm My Anxious Heart
- Search for Significance
- Married to a Sex Addict