What is God really like? What matters most to him? Find the answer in the pages of the Bible.
Talking Points:
- Every individual matters to God because we were all created “in the image of God”. This gives every human being inherent value and dignity. Genesis 1:27
- Jesus rebuked religious hypocrites and welcomed those in need. He was a revolutionary leader who taught that all people matter to God. John 8:1-11
- Love is at the core of God’s nature. True followers of Jesus reflect the love of God to the world around them. 1 John 4:8, 1 Corinthians 13:4-7
Talk About It
- What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Share a time when a “religious” person rubbed you the wrong way. Have you ever been that person?
- Read John 8:10-11. What would you have said to the adulterous woman?
- Read Genesis 1:27. Do you agree that everyone is worthy of dignity and respect? Who do you have a hard time respecting, and why?
- What does it mean to love God? What does it mean to love people? Make a practical list.
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?