Love Is a Choice, Not Just a Feeling
If you’re working from a faulty definition of love, your marriage is missing the foundation it needs to last a lifetime.

Trust Is Earned, Not Freely Given
Choosing love will lead to a life-long marriage, but it’ll feel like bondage without a daily commitment to earning trust.

Healthy Couples Keep Talking
Love and trust are great, but without the practical skill of good communication, your marriage might not go the distance.

Learning the 5 Love Languages
Everyone has a primary way that they show and receive love. For a better marriage, start speaking your spouse’s language, even if it isn’t natural for you.

Personality Types In Marriage
Understanding your temperament can help you appreciate your spouse, rather than trying to change them into your likeness.

What’s Your Apology Language?
Have you been in an argument and think you apologized, but your spouse says you didn’t? That’s because you might be speaking a different language.

The Seasons of Marriage
Just like the changing seasons, your marriage will go through times of growth, death, excitement and change.