The holidays for many is a time of celebration. For others the holidays are just a painful reminder of the people they've lost.
Talking Points:
- Grief is not a one size fits all kind of thing. People grieve in different ways and at differing levels and that’s okay.
- Tip #1: Remember that grief is personal but you’re not alone. People want to walk with you but they may not know how to do it. It’s okay to tell people what you need and what you don’t need.
- Tip #2: Be intentional with who you want to be around. It’s okay to say no to people who exhaust you.
- Tip #3: Be fair and realistic with yourself. Your grief journey is unique to you and it’s okay to go at your own pace, even if it’s slower than what others think it should be.
- Tip #4: Reflect intentionally during the holidays about the person you lost. Find ways to celebrate their life and keep old traditions that your loved one was a part of in the past.
- Tip #5: Be aware of when you need to seek support. Pay attention to your mood and make sure to reach out to a pastor, counselor or trusted friend on those darker days.
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- What gives you the most trepidation going into the holiday season?
- How has your grieving process looked differently from others in your life?
- Who are the people in your life that you have been able to lean on so far? How honest have you been with them on what is helpful and not helpful? How could your honesty help you and them?
- Who are the people and situations you want to avoid this holiday season? What are some steps you can take to draw those boundaries?
- In what ways do you feel like you’re not meeting people’s expectations with your pace of grief? How can you avoid letting those expectations impact your journey?
- How can you celebrate and include your loved one in your traditions this year?
- Read Galatians 6:2. How do you know when you’re slipping into a darker place? What do you need to do to take better care of yourself, especially during the holidays?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?