Legacy PartnershipsPursue God Legacy Partners are churches and ministries committed to making disciples who make disciples. Their partnership is what makes our resources a reality for seekers around the world.

Empowering Conversations
Change your Church. Change the World.
Legacy partners at pursueGOD.org get resources and consulting to help you implement a proven disciple-making strategy that works for your entire church, from kids to youth to adults. Starting at $500 per month, here’s what Legacy Partners receive:
- Up to 6 hours of consultation every month with a qualified pursueGOD pastor, customized to your ministry needs.
- A custom pursueGOD partner page for your church with resources for families and small groups.
- A custom pursueGODkids partner page, including a 3-year children’s curriculum for grades K-6th.
- Instant access to free FLEXTALK courses, evangelistic resources for neighborhoods and the workplace.
- Full access to our sermonlink series – a preaching resource complete with sermon outlines and slides.
- Exclusive access to “Legacy” video calls with Bryan and Tracy Dwyer and other Legacy Partners.
- … and more!
A Word
From Our Founders
” At our church sermons just weren’t enough, and people were walking away confused and helpless (Matthew 9:36-37). God has used pursueGOD.org to build a team of disciple-makers at our campuses, and that has made all the difference. Join us to help people pursue God at your church and around the world. “
– Bryan & Tracy Dwyer
Life Topics
Family Topics
Faith Topics
Student Topics
Partner with Us
Become a Legacy Partner and start changing the world, starting with the people in your church and community.