The apostle Thomas appears several times in the Gospel of John, and each time we learn something about what an imperfect journey toward faith looks like.
Talking Points:
- Like many of us, Thomas started with zeal. He was willing to die for his faith. John 11:16
- Somewhere along the way Thomas got confused. Though he had been walking with Jesus, he didn’t fully get who he was. John 14:5-7
- After the death of Jesus, Thomas became a skeptic. He needed proof of life, not just a second-hand testimony. John 20:25
- When Thomas encountered the resurrected Christ, he reaffirmed his faith. The interaction proves that Jesus is not afraid of our doubts. John 20:26
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Share some of your questions or doubts you’ve had about faith, the Bible and Jesus. How have you gone about finding answers to those questions in the past?
- “Doubt is not the opposite of faith.” Why is there room for doubt regarding matters of faith?
- Read John 11:16. Share your journey of faith. How is it similar to Thomas and how is it different?
- Read John 14:3-5. Share a time you were confused about what God was doing/not doing in a difficult situation. How did your confusion affect your walk with God?
- Read John 14:6-7. How did Jesus answer Thomas’ question? Why do you think he went beyond the question to more foundational information?
- Read John 20:25-29. How did Jesus respond to Thomas’ doubts? How has Jesus proved himself to you, reaffirming your faith?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?