When someone puts their faith in Christ, there’s more to it than what meets the eye.
Key Points:
- A conversion response happens when someone repents (turns from sin) and believes (turns to Christ). Romans 10:9-10
- Regeneration happens when someone is spiritually “born again”, and this is God’s work alone. John 3:3
- Before regeneration takes place, a disciple-maker has to invite the person into a pursuit of God by sharing the gospel. Romans 10:14
Talk About It
- What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Read John 3:3. How would you describe being “born again” to a spiritual seeker?
- How close are these three phases to each other? Can they be separated by years? Seconds?
- Can someone be regenerated before they are invited to hear the gospel? Does God ever work like that?
- Can someone respond in faith before they are regenerated? If so, does that mean they can take credit for their salvation?
- How does this information impact the way you view disciple-making?
- Write a personal action step based on this conversation.
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