In this 4-lesson series we will learn about how God works in our lives in remarkable ways as we study the life of Moses.
Kids version | Sermonlink version
Do things just randomly happen in our lives, or does God have a bigger plan? Find out as we start a series on Moses.
Moses: When Accidents Aren’t Accidents
Sometimes it might feel like God’s plan for your life is wrong or unfair, but we need to learn to say “yes” to God and follow him.
Moses: When You Think God Is Wrong (Students)
Sometimes following God is hard. But the hard times are when you learn to trust in God’s character and his ability to act in your life.
Moses: When Following God Stinks (Students)

Moses: When You Get Stuck in Sin
In life you will get stuck: in your sin, in an addiction, or in a bunch of other ways. When you are stuck, it is time to realize only God can save you.