Common Baptism Questions
Should you be baptized? And what does baptism, mean, anyway?
Talking Points:
- If Jesus Christ is your lord and savior and you trust him alone for your salvation, you should obey him by being baptized. Baptism is something we do to honor God. Matthew 28:19
- It’s important that you have had a defining moment of faith – that you have repented of your old life and embraced new life in Christ – before being baptized. Acts 8:34-36
- If you were baptized in a church that doesn’t hold to the core doctrines of the historic, biblical Christianity Paul and the Apostles preached, then your baptism means something different than what it does in the Bible. In this case, you should be re-baptized, because you were baptized in the name of “another gospel.” Galatians 1:6-9
- Baptism should be a real expression of wanting to live a new life with Christ. Because infants and even many young children don’t and can’t understand this, it’s important to be baptized after you have made a personal decision to follow Christ.
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- What was your understanding of baptism up to now? What has prompted you to think about being baptized?
- Read Matthew 28:19. Why did Jesus command his disciples to baptize new disciples?
- Read Romans 6:1-4. What does it mean that we are buried with baptism in Christ and raised to new life?
- If you have not been baptized, what is holding you back?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
5 Facts About Water Baptism | Christian Basics for Jr. High #5
Water baptism is a Christian tradition that dates all the way back to the time of Christ and the early Christian church.
Talking Points:
- Fact #1: Water baptism is God’s idea. He told his followers to do it. Matthew 28:19
- Fact #2: Water baptism doesn’t save anyone. It’s a symbol of something that already happened. Ephesians 2:8-9
- Fact #3: Water baptism is an act of practical obedience.
- Fact #4: Water baptism identifies us with Christ and his church. Romans 6:3
- Fact #5: Water baptism is a symbol of our new life. Romans 6:4
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- If you have been baptized, what was the experience like for you? If you are planning to get baptized, what is your motivation?
- Baptism is a simple matter of obedience. Make a list of some of the other things Christ calls us to do as Christians. Which ones are especially difficult for you? Where does baptism rank, and why?
- Read Romans 6:3-4. How are we identifying with Christ when we get baptized?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
Key Points:
- Does baptism save us? Nope, getting baptized doesn’t save us from our sins. Jesus saves us from our sins the moment we put our trust in him. Baptism is what we do after we’ve trusted in Jesus because we want to tell the whole world that we belong to him.
- Why should we get baptized? Jesus told us we should get baptized. And, when Jesus tells us to do something, we should do it! The other reason is because baptism is a symbol for something that happens in our lives when we meet Jesus. Romans 6:4
- Have you ever seen someone get baptized? What was it like?
- What does baptism symbolize?
- Who told us we should get baptized?
- Read Colossians 2:12. What does going into the water mean? What does it mean when we come out of the water?
- Kids: Have you asked Jesus into your heart? If so, when? If not, do you want to do it now?
- What Is Baptism with the Holy Spirit? (Acts 2:1-13)
- Jesus Gets Us: Understanding His Baptism and Temptation (Mark 1:9-15)
- Everything You Need to Know About Baptism
- Should You Get Baptized Again?
- Five Verses on Baptism
- Are You Ready to Get Baptized?
- Does Baptism Save?
- Am I Qualified to Baptize Someone?
- Understanding Baptism
- Common Baptism Questions
- Let’s Talk about Baptism (Kids Series)
- 5 Facts About Water Baptism | Christian Basics for Jr. High #5
- The Baptism of Jesus
- When Should We Baptize Our Kids?
- What About Baptizing Infants?