Talking Points:
- Author John Gottman identifies the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” in marriage: four communication styles that are often signs of the impending doom of your marriage. Learn what they are… and then avoid them at all costs!
- Sign #1: Criticism. Criticism goes deeper than just a complaint. A complaint is about a specific behavior that is annoying or troubling. But criticism speaks more to the character and personality of the person.
- Sign #2: Contempt. Contempt speaks to feelings of superiority and disrespect for the other. More than just being critical, it’s about one spouse feeling like they are a better, smarter, and a more reasonable person than the other.
- Sign #3: Defensiveness. This means not taking responsibility for actions and blaming the other person for their mistakes. It’s hard to resolve conflict if both parties can’t take ownership for their part.
- Sign #4: Stonewalling. Stonewalling is another name for shutting down and refusing to talk. This is a lethal response to healthy conflict resolution where one spouse refuses to engage in the conversation. Ephesians 4:31-32
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Are you surprised that divorce can be so easy to predict? Explain.
- Think about divorced people in your life, what led to the demise of their marriages? Do any of the signs listed here ring a bell?
- How have you felt put down by spouse in the past? In what areas are you critical of your spouse? How have contempt and criticism damaged your marriage?
- Why is defensiveness so destructive for healthy communication? What is a better way to respond?
- How can you safeguard your marriage from stonewalling?
- Read Ephesians 4:29, 31-32. What does this passage tell us to rid from our lives? What should we do instead? How can making these adjustments help your marriage?
See Also: