The God of the Mundane | Esther 1-2
The story of Esther reveals how God works in mysterious ways, even in mundane ways. We may not always recognize his handiwork but he’s always working to accomplish his plans.
Talking Points:
- The story of Esther takes place in Persia during the reign of King Xerxes. It’s an account of a handful of Jews who stayed in Persia after others went back to rebuild Jerusalem.
- A seemingly random event was the impetus for God to do something great for the nation of Israel. And he used a teenage girl to do it. Esther 1:10-12, 19-20
- The king chooses Esther as queen. That’s when her cousin* Mordecai enters the picture and saves the king’s life. Neither of them understood at the time how these random events were setting up the eventual freedom of their people. Esther 2:16-17, 21-23
- Some may mistake it for coincidence, but God often uses mundane things to lead us toward his greater plans for our lives. Romans 8:28
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Share a time when you had a “fish out of water” experience when you felt like you didn’t belong. What were some of the emotions you felt? How did that experience bolster or defeat you?
- Read Esther 1:10-12, 19-20. Why do you think Vashti refused to come to the king? How do you think all the other women felt when they heard about this decree demanding their obedience to their husbands?
- Why do you think God used the disobedience of one woman as the impetus for a new woman to come into power?
- Read Esther 2:16-17. If you were in Esther’s shoes, what would you be thinking as you became queen? Have you ever been thrust into a situation where you weren’t sure you were up to the challenge? Explain.
- Read Esther 2:21-23. Review all of the “coincidences” that occurred in this part of the story. Why do you think God wrote the story this way? Share a time you were in the right place at the right time for something. Did you recognize God’s hand in that then?
- How have you seen God work in your life in the mundane things? Share a time you were blessed by a coincidental meeting or an event that changed your life.
- Read Romans 8:28. As you look back on your life, share a time a challenging situation turned out to be for your good. How did God provide and lead during that time? What lessons did that situation teach you that can help you when you face future challenges?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
*Some sources call Mordecai Esther’s “uncle” because he raised her as his daughter.
When Life Seems Impossible | Esther 3-4
Just when Esther thought life was good, an evil person enters the picture threatening the lives of herself and her people.
Talking Points:
- Esther 3 introduces a new character named Haman whom the king elevates to a place of power. Just when it looked like God was in control, other forces seem to interfere and derail the plan to save the Jews. Esther 3:1-2, 5-6
- As the Jews grapple with their impending doom, Mordecai pleads with Esther to intervene. Esther is placed in an impossible situation, forced to choose between saving herself and her people. Esther 4:1-3,8 Esther 4:13-17
- We may face impossible situations where God asks us to make risky decisions that test our resolve and trust in him. Joshua 1:9
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Have you ever felt like you were on cruise control and then something happened that derailed your life? Explain.
- Read Esther 3:1-2, 5-6. What does this passage reveal about Haman? What does it reveal about Mordecai? Have you ever refused to “kiss up” to someone in your life? Explain.
- Read Esther 4:1-3. Mordecai was in agony for his people. How have you felt despair for the people you love? How did you respond to those emotions?
- Read Esther 4:13-14. What were all the risks Esther faced with her decision? How do Mordecai’s words possibly reveal his understanding of how God was working in their lives?
- Share a time you bravely took a stand for something unsure of the consequences for doing it?
- Read Esther 4:15-16. How did Esther show strength in this passage? What can we learn from how Esther responded to this challenge?
- Read Joshua 1:9. How has your resolve been tested? Are you currently faced with a tough situation or decision? Explain. Share a time you lacked courage in a situation and wish you could go back and try again?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
The Schemes of the Wicked | Esther 5-6
God's sovereignty means his justice is better than any revenge we can seek.
Talking Points:
- Esther bravely requests two banquets for Haman and the king. Haman fools himself into thinking he is in control of his own destiny. Esther 5:3-5,7,9-14
- God reminds the king that he had never formally honored Mordecai for saving his life. The praises Haman craved were lavished instead on Mordecai. Esther 6:3-6,10-12
- When the wicked scheme against you, don’t seek revenge. Pray that God will expose the lies and establish justice. Psalm 37:7
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Share a time you were wronged by someone. What happened and how did it turn out?
- Read Esther 5:3-5. How are we beginning to see God’s providential timing in this part of the story? Why do you think Esther waited to make her request?
- Read Esther 5:9-14. Why was Haman feeling so good about himself at this point? How does pride taint our view of ourselves? How have you seen pride ruin someone’s life?
- Read Esther 6:3-6, 10-12. Notice the phrase “as it happened”. How does God begin to reveal his justice for Haman in this passage? How would things have been different if it were someone else who had to march Mordecai around instead of Haman?
- How did God’s justice show up in this part of the story? Make sure to identify each thing that happened that led to Haman feeling humiliated and dejected.
- Read Psalm 37:7. How have you wasted energy in the past seeking revenge? How does this part of Esther’s story encourage you to trust that God’s justice always wins out?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
God’s Timing is Perfect | Esther 7-10
Sometimes it may feel like God is late to show up but the story of Esther proves that God's timing is always perfect.
Talking Points:
- At just the right time, Esther makes her request to the king – revealing her own identity and Haman’s evil intent to kill the Jews. Esther 7:3-6
- God’s plan is fully revealed when a new decree is issued, replacing Haman’s plan to execute the Jews with one that saves the Jewish nation once again. Esther 8:5-8, Esther 9:1-2
- To this day, the Jews celebrate the Feast of Purim in memory of the Esther story. We, too, should regularly take time to reflect and celebrate God’s provision in our lives. Esther 9:20-22, Psalm 100:3-4
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Have you ever experienced a miracle or an event that was so perfectly timed that it had to be God’s handiwork? Explain.
- Read Esther 7:3-6. Notice how Esther framed her request to the king. Why was each part significant to share and in the order it was shared?
- What do you think Haman was thinking in this moment?
- Read Esther 8:5-8. Why do you think the king was so open to letting Esther and Mordecai draft the decree themselves? Why is it important to note that once a decree was written it couldn’t be revoked?
- How does chapter 8 reveal God’s perfect timing? What do you think the Jews thought as this new decree began to circulate?
- Read Esther 9:20-22. Why was it important to Mordecai that the Jews remember these days with a celebration? What are some ways we celebrate God’s provision in Christianity today?
- Read Psalm 100:1-5. Identify all that we should acknowledge about God from this psalm. What are some things you are thankful for and how have you shown thankfulness to God for them?
- Why is it important to remember God’s provision in our lives and celebrate it year after year? What do we stand to miss out on if we don’t?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?
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