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PursueGOD is a podcast-based discipleship library. Here's how to use our resources with your family, small group, or one-on-one mentoring relationship:
- Pick a series from our homepage. There's plenty to choose from!
- Each series contains multiple lessons. Click on the numbered tabs to open each lesson.
- Each lesson includes an audio podcast. Start by listening to the podcast on your own, before you meet as a group. Take notes as needed, and listen again if it helps. Consider starting a discipleship journal to track what you're learning.
- Meet with your family, group, or mentor to talk through what you learned from the podcast. Each lesson includes shownotes, talking points, and discussion questions. Click on the # tab to explore additional topics when you're done.
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- Jesus promised that we would endure times of tribulation. In today’s lesson we talk about two important reminders for staying grounded in the Lord. John 16:33
- In the midst of our difficult circumstances it’s important for us to remind ourselves that tribulation is part of the Christian life. We do not lose heart, rather we focus our eyes on the truthfulness of God’s unchanging character.
- We can find comfort in the midst of tribulation knowing that Jesus understands and empathizes with us. Isaiah 53:3.
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Share a time in your life when you endured great difficulty. How did this event impact your relationship with God?
- How does understanding that Jesus promised that we would have great difficulty impact your outlook on hard circumstances?
- The Greek word for tribulation is thlipsis (to crush, press together, squash, hem in, compress, squeeze). How does the meaning of this word describe your difficult circumstance you shared earlier?
- How does reminding yourself that your circumstances do not determine God’s goodness change your perspective on hard times? How does it impact your perspective on God?
- Read Psalm 145:9. The Hebrew word for compassion is rakhamim, which relates to the womb. How does this describe God’s relationship to us and how does this encourage you as you endure difficult times?
- What is one thing you’re taking away from today’s conversation?
- Job is one of our greatest examples of being honest with God. From Job’s example we can learn how to approach God with our honest feelings. Job 1:21-22
- While enduring difficult circumstances we may not get the answer to “why” we are experiencing pain but God will respond with “who” He is. Job 38:4
- Our feelings are important but they do not always determine reality. God is present in the midst of our pain even when we don’t feel or sense His presence.
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- What are your initial thoughts about being honest with God? Have you ever cried out to Him in pain and frustration? Describe how you felt afterwards.
- Read Job 30:20. Explain how Job’s response is relatable today.
- Read Job 38:4,11,25. How does God’s responses to Job describe His character?
- What comfort do you find in Matthew 11:28-30?
- Our feelings are important but how do they deceive us in the midst of enduring difficult circumstances?
- Describe tangible ways you can combat your feelings during difficult circumstances.
- In the very beginning of Genesis we are introduced to God’s character. He is the creator and provider.
- As we endure difficult circumstances it’s important that we remind ourselves of who God is so that we can stay rooted in His character. Psalm 145:8-9, Isaiah 9:6.
- All throughout the Old Testament the theme of remembrance is repeated. Taking time to remember all the times God has been faithful will keep you anchored to Him.
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Explain the importance of reminding yourself of God’s character in the midst of difficult circumstances.
- Read Exodus 4:11-12. Explain how God’s response would be encouraging to Moses.
- JI Packer says: “To know that nothing happens in God’s world apart from God’s will may frighten the godless, but it stabilizes the saints.” Why would trusting God’s sovereignty stabilize us?
- Explain the importance of remembering God’s faithfulness in the midst of difficult circumstances.
- David is a great example of someone in the Bible who recalled God’s goodness and faithfulness. Read Psalm 103:1-8. Highlight all the phrases that describe God’s goodness and/or faithfulness.
- Explain why Isaiah 42:3 is a description of Jesus’ tenderness towards us.
- The Book of Philippians (Women’s Series)
- Enduring Hard Times (Women’s Series)
- Stressed (Women’s Series)
- Popular Psalms (Women’s Series)
- The Power of Our Words (Women’s Series)
- Unfractured
- Esther: For Such a Time As This
- The Pursuit for Women
- Popular Proverbs: Wisdom for Women
- Women of the Old Testament
- The Cleanse
- Fruits of the Spirit
- Calm My Anxious Heart
- Search for Significance
- Married to a Sex Addict