An Introduction
ue vulputate massa nec feugiat fringilla. Fusce at euismod augue. Maecenas quis leo id lectus vestibulum interdum. Ut ut rhoncus risus, nec viverra nisl. Curabitur vitae nulla id eros interdum egestas ac sed odio. Vestibulum arcu quam, viverra non tempus ut, sagittis ac ipsum.
What you’ll Need
French press
Brew Time

Step 1: Record Service Elements
The first step is to record your service elements – from welcome to announcements to the sermon itself. You can record it all right at home on your cell phone. Have one person record the welcome and another record announcements. When you’re happy with the recording, just email it to a designated tech person. (Here’s a tip: Record outside on a nice day. It’ll make your video look good and your audio sound great. And you’ll be outside.)
Step 2
ue vulputate massa nec feugiat fringilla. Fusce at euismod augue. Maecenas quis leo id lectus vestibulum interdum. Ut ut rhoncus risus, nec viverra nisl. Curabitur vitae nulla id eros interdum egestas ac sed odio.

Step 3
ue vulputate massa nec feugiat fringilla. Fusce at euismod augue. Maecenas quis leo id lectus vestibulum interdum. Ut ut rhoncus risus, nec viverra nisl. Curabitur vitae nulla id eros interdum egestas ac sed odio.

Step 4
ue vulputate massa nec feugiat fringilla. Fusce at euismod augue. Maecenas quis leo id lectus vestibulum interdum. Ut ut rhoncus risus, nec viverra nisl. Curabitur vitae nulla id eros interdum egestas ac sed odio.

Come on In!
08PM -12AM
12 PM – 02 AM
+(000) 111 222 333
543 TN, doula street
NY, New York