The 2019 Marriage Retreat

Category: Women

Stressed – Navigating Difficult Relationships

Relational stress comes from our interactions with others. Whether at work, home or with friends, we have to navigate the feelings and expectations of those who may be toxic, demanding, or selfish.

Stressed – Dealing With Hectic Stress

Hectic stress is feeling pulled in a thousand directions. Overwhelmed by the schedule, responsibilities and the need to prove ourselves, we end up missing out on the most important thing.

Stressed – Managing Emotional Stress

Emotional stress comes in many forms-depression, anxiety, grief, guilt and shame. This type of stress is often fueled by a lack of self-esteem, trauma, ruminating over past mistakes or a fear of failure.

Three Things About Lying

Lying causes us to trade one thing for another. We either lie to protect ourselves or we lie for fear of hurting someone else.

Don’t Be a Gossip

Gossip is so subtle it can just sneak up on you before you know you’re even doing it.

Stop Being So Critical

It’s easy to point out when someone else is doing everything wrong – but the reality is we aren’t perfect either.

How to Stop Complaining

Complaining leads to more complaining – stuck in our own perspective forgetting God’s bigger plan.

Watch Your Critical Spirit

It’s not always easy to be positive. In fact, we oftentimes find that being critical is our default.

Women – Traits of a Godly Woman

We ourselves can never live up to the high standards of a godly woman, but allowing Jesus into our lives and letting him work through us, gives us the ability to reach those standards.

Our Words Have Power

Our words are powerful and they have the ability to either bring healing or destruction to our relationships.

Should a Woman Be Strong?

The story of Moses teaches us that women can and should be strong – and their strength can be used by God for generations.

Dealing with Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are born out of a distorted body image that robs women from appreciating the bodies God gave them.

Helpful Advice for Young Moms

There are times when we are simply not in charge. Once we realize this, we can set aside the fixating and concentrate on our kids’ needs.

You Are What You Eat

If we feed our minds with the garbage of the world, that is what will come out of us.

Is Submission a Real Thing?

Understanding God’s heart behind submission is important in combating the lies our culture peddles against it. God designed men and women as compatible beings with differing roles.

Listening and Doing – James 1-2

For some Christians, the pursuit of God is only a Sunday thing – leaving Monday through Saturday to live according to their own desires.
