The 2019 Marriage Retreat

Category: Life Topics

Is it a Sin to Watch an R Rated Movie?

Many people blur the lines on what they choose to watch vs. what they know they should watch. Today, we’ll talk about the question: “Is it a Sin to Watch an R Rated Movie?”. Let’s take a look and see what the Bible says about it.

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Is it a Sin to Gamble?

Gambling can seem all fun and games on the surface…but there’s more to it than that. Today we address the question: “Is it a sin to gamble?” What does the Bible say about it?

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Is it a Sin to Drink Alcohol?

“Is it a sin?” is a question many Christians find asking themselves on a day to day basis. Sometimes, the answer is clear and easy. But other times, it might seem to be a little more of a ‘gray area’. We’re going to apply that question to some commonly debated habits. Today’s topic: Alcohol.

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Premarital Sex | Sexual Sin (Students)

Premarital sex is a controversial topic, with varying perspectives on its morality. Society’s normalization clashes with what the Bible teaches. Explore the 5 most common lies the enemy pushes around premarital sex. Find hope in forgiveness and renewal, regardless of past choices.

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When Family Becomes an Idol (Mark 3:31-35)

Discover the rarely discussed family life of Jesus and how his family’s skepticism towards his ministry approach led to an intervention. Learn how Jesus prioritized faith and how even His family eventually came to believe in Him.

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