Category: Women
Women's Series
- Women's Series
- Women
The ABC’s of Teaching Your Kids the Bible (Women’s Series)
In this three-week series, we’ll explore practical ways to teach our kids the Bible with confidence and joy. From shaping our attitude to engaging in daily discussions, the ABC’s—Attitude, Book, Challenge, Discuss, Engage, and Focus—will help us nurture a lasting love for God’s Word in our children.
Stressed – Fretting Over the Future
Future stress comes from a fear of the future. Rather than trusting God’s vision for your life, you worry that it’s all up to you.
The ABC’s of Teaching Your Kids the Bible (Women’s Series)
In this three-week series, we’ll explore practical ways to teach our kids the Bible with confidence and joy. From shaping our attitude to engaging in daily discussions, the ABC’s—Attitude, Book, Challenge, Discuss, Engage, and Focus—will help us nurture a lasting love for God’s Word in our children.
The Book of Philippians (Women’s Series)
A four week study through the book of Philippians to discover the secrets to living a Jesus-centered life!
Enduring Hard Times (Women’s Series)
In this three week series, learn how to seek the Lord and rely on His strength during difficult times.
Stressed (Women’s Series)
Women are confronted with different types of stress daily. Instead of being overwhelmed, learn how to manage and grow through it.
Popular Psalms (Women’s Series)
The book of Psalms is a book of songs, poems and prayers.
The Power of Our Words (Women’s Series)
Do you know we speak around seven thousand words a day? In this series, we’re going to explore the power of our words and what it reveals about our hearts.
A 4-week series on how to avoid the mistakes of fractured faith from the book of James.
Esther: For Such a Time As This
The story of Esther reveals how God works in our everyday circumstances to advance his plan for our lives.
The Pursuit for Women
The Pursuit for WomenA 12-topic discipleship track to teach the essentials of Christianity and...
Popular Proverbs: Wisdom for Women
From learning how to really trust God to how to guard your heart and your mouth, the book of Proverbs offers practical advice for godly living.
Women of the Old Testament
Gain insights into the lives of some of the women of the Old Testament and learn how their stories reflect God’s plans for you.
The Cleanse
In this pursueGOD women’s series we’ll help women talk about the struggle we all have with fighting against idols in our lives.
Fruits of the Spirit
We all wish to be more loving, patient and kind. God wants to grow these and other “fruits” in our lives that are representative of his character.
Calm My Anxious Heart
Move past a temporary feeling of happiness to a steadfast satisfaction that comes from within.
Search for Significance
In this series, you’ll learn how to find your true identity in Christ rather than looking for it in earthly things. This series is adapted from Robert McGee’s book, The Search for Significance.
Married to a Sex Addict
Do you feel alone in the struggle of being married to a man who has a sex addiction? Learn some important insights that can empower you to fight for a healthy marriage.