Category: Mormonism
When Mormon Missionaries Come Knockin’
Christians don’t have to avoid Mormon missionaries. We can share good news with them that can change their lives one day.
Joining and Leaving Mormonism
People join Mormonism for different reasons, and also leave for different reasons, but leaving is usually difficult no matter what the motive.
How Mormons Relate to Non-Mormons (Is Mormonism a Cult?)
Mormons and non-Mormons often don’t understand each other, but relate to one another through mere labels and stereotypes.
Life In the LDS Church
Active Mormons don’t just “go to church”. The LDS Church is central to all of the activities and relationships of their lives.
The LDS Church’s 100 Billion Dollar Investments
The LDS Church controls billions of dollars of investments, while demanding their members to pay at full 10% tithe.
A Brief History of Mormon Polygamy
Although the LDS Church no longer practices plural marriage, polygamy is deeply embedded in LDS history with effects that remain to this day.
The Mormon Temple and Ordinances
Temples have a central role in the LDS Church, implying that Mormonism reflects the practices of the Bible. Yet Mormon temples bear no resemblance to the biblical temple.
Why Mormons Don’t Drink Coffee (And Other Distinctive LDS Practices)
Latter-day Saints have several practices that set them apart from others. Some of these have biblical support while others do not.
More Bullet-Proof Evidence Against the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith claimed that the Book of Mormon is the most correct book ever written, but too many elements of the book don’t match the time and place where it supposedly took place.
Bullet-Proof Evidence Against the Book of Mormon
The Book of Mormon claims to be an ancient book of scripture, but can it stand the test? Evidence from archaeology, DNA, and literary analysis say, “No.”
Polygamy, Racism and Other Changing Doctrines of Mormonism
Changes in core Mormon teachings raise the question of whether Latter-day Saint prophets are actually led by God.
The Sketchy History of Joseph Smith
Mormonism stands or falls on the credibility of its founder Joseph Smith. Several unsavory episodes from his personal history suggest he was not a prophet of God.
What Mormons Believe About Eternity
One important issue for any religious faith is what happens after this life is over. So let’s take a look at what Mormons believe about eternity, heaven, and hell.
What Mormons Believe About Salvation
One of the biggest questions that religions seek to answer is “How can I be right with God?” That’s the question of salvation. Let’s take a look at what Mormons believe about it.
What Mormons Believe About Humanity
What kind of beings are we, and how do we relate to God and everything God made? Let’s take a look at how Mormonism answers those questions.
What Mormons Believe About Scripture
For Christians, the ultimate authority is God. But how can we know what God is like and what he wants? Let’s take a look at what Mormonism teaches about scripture and revelation so we can compare it to traditional Christian beliefs.
What Mormons Believe About God
What we believe about God is probably the most important thing we can believe. Everything else in a world view starts with our concept of God. So let’s try to understand what Mormonism says about God so we can compare our own beliefs.
Mormons vs. Christians
Discover some distinct differences between what Mormons believe compared to Evangelical Christianity.
What Were the Urim and Thummim?
In the Old Testament, the people of God often used the Urim and Thummin to determine the will of God. What exactly were they, and should we use them today as Christians?
Are Mormons Christians?
Mormons used to clearly say they are not a Christian denomination, but now things have changed. So what’s the truth on the matter?
How Would Jesus Relate to Mormons?
To help us understand how to respond to our LDS neighbors, we should consider the example of how Jesus might relate to Latter-day Saints – based on his interaction with Samaritans.
Mormons and Non-Mormons
This lesson explores how Mormons typically relate to non-Mormons, in order to understand the attitudes and experiences one can expect to face as a member of a religious minority in Utah.
Introduction to LDS Culture and Beliefs
This topic provides a brief summary of what Mormons believe and how they live, to help non-Mormons understand how our neighbors think and what matters to them.
Living as a Religious Minority
In Utah, Mormonism and its influence are like part of the air we breathe. Mormons often dominate in society. That may seem daunting to non-Mormons, especially newcomers. But there is hope.
Mormon Beliefs About the Pre-Existence and Afterlife
What does Mormonism teach about heaven and the purpose of life?
Mormonism’s Language Barrier
Whenever an evangelical Christian and a Latter-day Saint discuss beliefs, they soon encounter the problem of terminology. To have meaningful faith conversations, never assume that your LDS friend understands common terms the way you do.