Category: Men

Is it a Sin to Watch an R Rated Movie?

Many people blur the lines on what they choose to watch vs. what they know they should watch. Today, we’ll talk about the question: “Is it a Sin to Watch an R Rated Movie?”. Let’s take a look and see what the Bible says about it.

Is it a Sin to Gamble?

Gambling can seem all fun and games on the surface…but there’s more to it than that. Today we address the question: “Is it a sin to gamble?” What does the Bible say about it?

Is it a Sin to Smoke Tobacco or Marijuana?

Is smoking sinful? Is the answer different between tobacco and marijuana? Sometimes questions like these have an easy answer, but other times it might seem like more of a ‘gray area’…

Is it a Sin to Drink Alcohol?

“Is it a sin?” is a question many Christians find asking themselves on a day to day basis. Sometimes, the answer is clear and easy. But other times, it might seem to be a little more of a ‘gray area’. We’re going to apply that question to some commonly debated habits. Today’s topic: Alcohol.

Is Amnesty the Answer?

How should Christians view the Immigration debate? Today we’ll discuss amnesty: the idea of showing compassion and love to all individuals, regardless of their legal status.

How to Read Scripture for Breakthrough

If you’re looking for breakthrough in your everyday life – with thoughts, emotions, or habits – don’t just try harder in the moment of crisis. Discipline your thought life with the spiritual habits around scripture.

How To Pace Yourself For Breakthrough

If you’re looking for breakthrough in your everyday life – with thoughts, emotions, or habits – don’t just try harder in the moment of crisis. Pace yourself on three of the lesser-known spiritual disciplines.

How To Fast For Breakthrough

If you’re looking for breakthrough in your everyday life-with thoughts, emotions or habits-don’t just try harder in the moment of crisis. Train yourself on the spiritual discipline of fasting.

How To Pray For Breakthrough

If you’re looking for breakthrough in your everyday life – with thoughts, emotions, or habits – look to the ancient secret of spiritual disciplines. Train yourself on the spiritual discipline of prayer.

Lead Like Jesus

No conversation about leadership is complete without discussing Jesus. He was the most influential leader in the history of the world. He calls his followers to lead like he led.

Lead Like Jonathon

Jonathan over communicated, communicated clearly, and welcomed feedback.  Good leaders are always looking for opportunities to earn trust, and it’s clear Jonathan had earned trust from his armor bearer.

Lead Like Joshua

Joshua focused on the character and power of God not the circumstances around him. He knew God would deliver on his promises. Godly leaders stand on God’s truth in the face of adversity. 

Lead Like Moses

Leading well is something every man should desire to do.  God took a reluctant leader in Moses and used him to bring the entire nation of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. 

A Biblical Discussion on Gender

In the beginning, God created them male and female.  This was before the fall and God said it was very good. The differences between male and female should be celebrated, not diminished.

7 Deadly Sins – Sloth

The seven deadly sins is not a list to keep us from getting the most out of life. The opposite is actually true – and the sin of sloth proves it.

7 Deadly Sins – Anger

For many people, anger is the substitute emotion to mask deeper feelings that you struggle to express.

7 Deadly Sins – Gluttony

Gluttony is an unhealthy obsession over food or drink. God wants the whole person, and that includes how we eat.

7 Deadly Sins – Lust

Lust is an intense or unbridled sexual desire. It is “a cruel parody of love. Lust takes. Love gives.”

7 Deadly Sins – Greed

Greed is a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (such as money) than is needed. It’s a sin that paradoxically leaves us with less of what we really need.

7 Deadly Sins – Pride

Pride is the refusal to recognize and admit the presence, equality or even superiority of any other being. It’s a sin that – if unchecked – leaves us in isolation.

Go Find a Wife

Biblical manhood for young men calls us to think differently about our future… and the wife who will be a part of it.

Here’s How To Money

God’s Word talks a lot about money and possessions. We find true freedom in our finances when we do it God’s way.

Run From Porn

God’s first line of defense against sexual temptation is to flee from it!

Make a Decision and Make it Work

Looking to make Godly decisions? Learn to listen to His Spirit, Word, and people, and choose the best option with gratitude and faith.

Five Pillars of Biblical Manhood

The first pillar of biblical manhood is to “be on guard.” Samson from the Old Testament is a good example of how NOT to do it.
