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- Pick a series from our homepage. There's plenty to choose from!
- Each series contains multiple lessons. Click on the numbered tabs to open each lesson.
- Each lesson includes an audio podcast. Start by listening to the podcast on your own, before you meet as a group. Take notes as needed, and listen again if it helps. Consider starting a discipleship journal to track what you're learning.
- Meet with your family, group, or mentor to talk through what you learned from the podcast. Each lesson includes shownotes, talking points, and discussion questions. Click on the # tab to explore additional topics when you're done.
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The Ancient Secret of Spiritual Disciplines
See Also:
How To Pray For Breakthrough
- Find a time and place that works for you. Start with 5 minutes a day, and work toward longer times with God. Mark 1:35
- Use music and scripture to get focused on God. Start by praising or thanking God before you ask him for things. Psalm 145:1-3; Matthew 6:9
- If your mind wanders when you pray, don’t panic. Let those thoughts help you focus on the things that need prayer.
- Pray with boldness and intent. God is not offended when we’re honest about what’s on our heart. Hebrews 4:14,16
- Pray with humility and submission. Learn to listen to God, and be ready to hear what’s on his heart. Matthew 6:10; 26:39
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Describe your current prayer life (How often, issues). What is most challenging to you when it comes to prayer?
- Read Mark 1:35. Even Jesus had to get away to pray to avoid distraction. What is the best time and location for you to pray without distraction or interruption?
- How does music speak to you? Do you have any Bible verses you’ve clung to in your life? Explain.
- Read Psalm 145:1-3. Why should we start with praising God and thanking him? How might that influence what we ask God to do for us?
- Review the PRAYER acronym. How can structure help you grow in the discipline of prayer? Why is each one important?
- Share something that’s weighing on your heart right now. How can you turn your wandering or fixation into a meaningful prayer?
- Read Hebrews 4:14,16. God knows everything so why does he even need to hear our bold prayers? Share a time you boldly asked God for something and he answered.
- Read Matthew 6:10 and Matthew 26:39. How can you slow down in prayer to hear God’s perspective? What has it looked like in your life to submit to God’s will over your own?
See Also:
How To Fast For Breakthrough
- Fasting can unlock breakthroughs in the spiritual realm that will never happen in any other way. When you fast, you reaffirm your dependence on God’s power, not your own. Mark 9:17-18, 28-29
- Fasting is voluntarily depriving yourself of food or drink (or some other good thing) in order to focus on God. You can fast alone or in a group, in crisis or in preparation. 2 Chronicles 20:1-3, Matthew 4:1-2, Acts 14:23
- Fasting is a faith-building exercise. It’s about releasing control to God, not obligating him to give us breakthrough on our terms.
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Have you ever fasted before whether for spiritual reasons or another reason? How did you do?
- Read Mark 9:17-18. What do you think the disciples were feeling when they were unable to cast out the demon? What was at stake for them when they failed?
- Read Mark 9:28-29. What do you think Jesus means? What does it reveal about the disciples’ view of their own abilities?
- Share a time you relied on your own power to do something and failed. What would it have looked like if you sought God’s power for that situation instead?
- How does denying yourself food or drink impact your focus? Share how a time of fasting strengthened you in a tough time.
- Read Matthew 4:1-2. What do you notice about Jesus’ physical condition? Why do you think Jesus felt the need to fast for forty days and nights?
- Read Acts 14:23. Have you ever fasted before making a big decision? Explain. How could fasting set you up for better decision-making?
- Revisit Richard Foster’s quote, “More than any other discipline, fasting reveals the things that control us.” What are the things that would be hard for you to give up for a time? What do those things reveal about what you care most about?
- Read Mark 9:21-23. Where do you need a new breakthrough in your life? How can you release control and take hold of God’s power in a new way to overcome it?
See Also:
How To Pace Yourself For Breakthrough
- A hurried life keeps us from being present enough to love God and people. “Slowing” is intentionally putting ourselves into situations that teach us to wait. Matthew 17:4-5
- A crowded life gives the world permission to shape us into its mold. “Solitude” is withdrawing from the constant barrage of stimulation (highs and lows) to let God transform us. Romans 12:2, Mark 6:30-31,45-46
- A selfish life tempts us to use our words to control things. “Silence” is choosing not to speak so you can hear from God and learn to submit. Ecclesiastes 5:1-2, Isaiah 30:15, Psalm 46:10, James 3:2
- Although our Sabbath may look different than what was practiced in the Old Testament, the principle of Sabbath was intended to bless us. Having a rhythm of time set aside for God and for rest carries many benefits. Genesis 2:2, Mark 2:27, Romans 14:5
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Share a time you were too caught up in your own stress you missed an opportunity to help someone you love (spouse, kids, friend, co-worker). What do you wish you would’ve done differently?
- Why does it take slowing and patience to show genuine love for God and others? Share a time you sacrificed your own agenda to help someone else.
- Read Matthew 17:1-5. How are you like Peter? What does “slowing” look like to you so you can really connect to and listen to God?
- Read Romans 12:2. What are the “noises” in your life that have derailed your pursuit of God? What are some practical steps you can take to practice solitude in your week?
- Mark 6:30-31, 45-46. Jesus is God and he needed time to rest and pray. Why do you think Jesus took that time for himself? How does that challenge you?
- Review Foster’s quote. On a scale from 1-10, how much of a control freak are you? Defend your answer. How have you been derailed in your life by staying entrenched in your own perspective that you couldn’t even hear what God had to say?
- Read Ecclesiastes 5:1-2. What are mindless offerings we give to God? What should our attitude be when we come into God’s presence?
- Read and memorize Psalm 46:10. Apply this to an issue you’re facing right now. How will you be still and let God lead you through it.
See Also:
How to Read Scripture for Breakthrough
- Hearing the Word is reading through someone else. What can you learn about a passage from a godly pastor or mentor? Romans 10:17, Romans 1:17
- Reading the Word (devotionally) is reading for application. What does the passage mean for you today? Revelation 1:3, 2 Timothy 3:16-17
- Studying the Word is reading for interpretation. What did the passage mean in its original context? Acts 17:11, John 8:32
- Memorizing the Word is reading for readiness. Will you be able to recall the passage in a moment of crisis? Psalm 119:11, Matthew 4:3-4
- Meditating on the Word is reading for transformation. Will you allow the Author of the passage to do his work within you? Psalm 1:1-3, Hebrews 4:12, Romans 12:2
- Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
- Describe your relationship with the Bible currently. (Read it everyday, intimidated by it, occasionally, not sure it’s relevant, etc).
- Read Romans 10:17. When did you first hear the Gospel message? Who played a major role in helping you understand the message of the Bible?
- Read Revelation 1:3 and 2 Timothy 3:16-17. What are these verses saying? Why do many Christians miss the “devotional piece” of reading God’s word? What does it look like to approach the Bible looking for application, not just knowledge?
- Read Acts 17:11.Why does context matter? Share a time your words were taken out of context. What were the consequences for that? How do Christians take Scripture out of context? What are the consequences for that?
- Read Psalm 119:11 and Matthew 4:3-4. Share a verse you’ve memorized and have drawn strength from in times of crisis. How has speaking God’s word during a crisis helped you through it?
- Read Psalm 1:1-3. How have you mocked or ignored God’s word in the past? What does it mean to delight in the law of the Lord? How will you grow in the discipline of reading the Bible this year?
See Also:
- How Do I Read the Bible?
- How to Read Scripture for Breakthrough
- How To Pace Yourself For Breakthrough
- How To Fast For Breakthrough
- How To Pray For Breakthrough
- The Ancient Secret of Spiritual Disciplines
- A Day in the Busy Life of Jesus (Mark 1:29-39)
- Psalm 103 – A Psalm of Worship
- The Mechanics of Prayer: The P-R-A-Y Method
- Sanctification and the Christian Life
- The Big “5” Spiritual Disciplines
- Five Steps to Winning the War Within as a Christian
- Trust Your Instruments
- God’s Plan for Dealing with Habits
- Is Reading the Bible Worth It?
- Feed on Scripture Every Day | Point Man #5
- Practicing Biblical Meditation
- All About Walking by the Spirit
- The 4 Ways God Answers Prayer
- How to Uncomplicate Your Prayers
- The Public Reading of Scripture
- 5 Bible Study Tips for Rookies
- Should Christians Today Fast?
- You’ve Tried Fighting with Everything But Prayer
- Communicating with God
- Feeding on God’s Word | Basic Practices for Growing Christians #2
- Journaling in Your Pursuit of God
- Biblical Knowledge Doesn’t Equal Spiritual Maturity
- What Is Lent?
- What Is a Simple Way to Memorize Scripture?
- Using the Lord’s Prayer as a Pattern for Prayer
- 40 Days of Prayer (Track)
- God’s Invitation to Intimacy
- Did I Really Hear from God?
- What if I Don’t Want to Read the Bible?
- The Ordinary Ways God Makes Us Holy
- Fasting | Basic Practices for Growing Christians
- What Are the Spiritual Disciplines?
- A Chapter a Day – Starter Study
- How Can I Hear God’s Voice?
- How to Pray in Your Time of Deepest Need
- Studying the Bible: The S-O-A-P Method
- Learn How to Pray
- Prayer: What? Why? When? Where? Who?
- Why Pray If God Knows Everything?
- The Spirit Leads Us