The 2019 Marriage Retreat

Author: PursueGOD Community

Bible Themes: Light and Darkness

Throughout the Bible, the words “light” and “darkness” are used metaphorically to convey deep spiritual truths. The way these words are used give us some interesting insights into salvation.

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Introduction to 1 John

Learn about the authorship, date, and other background information that will help you better understand and apply the letter of 1 John.

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The Unseen World of Spirits

To the secular mind, belief in unseen spiritual forces and beings is seen as primitive and unscientific, based on the assumption that only what can be seen or measured in the natural world actually exists. But what does the Bible say?

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Lessons from the Prodigal Son

In Luke 15, Jesus told the story of a father and two sons to explain the different ways people can be separated from God. He wanted us to see the heart of God for those who are lost: both the rule breakers and the rule-keepers.

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Kids and worship

Worship is much more than “singing in church”. Worship is part of a child’s spiritual growth. It’s just as important as learning Bible stories, prayer, and small groups!

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