The 2019 Marriage Retreat

Author: PursueGOD Sermonlink

What If?

The wisdom from the Book of Proverbs can help you know what to do when a “what if?” comes your way.

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Unlocking the Bible

Do you feel lost when it comes to the Bible? Are you confused with what the Bible has to do with your life? If so, this series is for you.

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I Choose

Choices are important, but not always easy to make. Find out here how to make God-honoring choices every day.

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While Christmas should be a time of joy, it’s often a source of stress. The secret to an uncluttered Christmas is to make room for what God says really matters.

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Fighting for Peace | Get Rich #4

You’ve heard it – everyone wants peace. But when we look at the world, we find fractured societies and people at war with each other instead. So is the fight for peace merely a poet’s dream?

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Bad Advice

When we honestly look at the way we live, it looks like we are following bad advice. In this series, we are going to show you that bad advice. We are going to name it.

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Get Rich

Have you ever dreamed of getting rich in things that money can’t buy? This series will look at the book of Ephesians to discover the great riches found in Christ that are available to you right now.

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Idols are all over the Old Testament, and they seem silly to today’s Christians. But what do you worship?

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When God Is Silent

Do you ever feel like God isn’t listening – even when you need him most? We have reason to trust that God really does care.

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Find out what God has to say about identifying and overcoming the bad habits that wreck your life.

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