Without mentoring, groups can be a small version of the big problem: ministry that doesn't personally help the ones in need.
Talking Points:
- The small group is the simplest place to model disciple-making. Every time you cover a topic, you’re training group members on the pursueGOD method.
- Identify a few people who are ready to become disciple-makers. You’re already engaging them during small group; now establish them by taking them through The Pursuit outside of group time. Matthew 9:36-37
- The small group is an ideal environment for handoffs. Start connecting the few with others in the group, empowering one-on-one discipling relationships outside of the group. Ephesians 4:11-12
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Read Matthew 9:36-37. What’s the “big problem” that Jesus exposes? Have you seen a smaller version of that problem in your small group? Explain.
- Make a list of life and faith topics that people need to talk about. Which topics are appropriate for small group? Which ones would be better tackled in a mentoring relationship?
- Make a list of 2-3 people in your small group who are available and teachable. Do you think that they would be willing to mentor someone from your group if the need arose?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?