Talking Points:
  • Module #1 in The Pursuit is an introduction to God and the Bible, focusing on the heart of God for people. Here’s how to disciple through it.
  • Lesson #1 lays out the three truths for a pursuit of God: God is for you and pursuing him can change your life, but you have to commit to doing it with your whole heart. John 10:10Jeremiah 29:13
  • Lesson #2 outlines three reasons to trust the Bible, addressing historical, textual, and personal proofs. It ends with a simple challenge: if you’re willing to come to God on his terms and take him at his word, then Jesus promises you’ll discover the truth. John 7:16-17
  • Lesson #3 explains the foundational concept of “Imago Dei” – that we’re all created in the image of God. This provides the basis for human rights and gives everyone a purpose in life: to love God, others, and ourselves. Genesis 1:26Matthew 22:37-39
Discussion Questions:
  1. Read the talking points above as a group, including scripture references. What are your initial thoughts about these points or about the podcast lesson (see audio above)?
  2. Read Matthew 8:2-3. Why is it significant that Jesus touched the leper? Have you ever felt cast aside or unworthy of God’s love?
  3. Read Mark 2:17. Based on this verse, what type of person is Jesus after? Why do you think that is?
  4. Read Jeremiah 29:13. What do you think it means to look “wholeheartedly” for God?
  5. Which of the three evidences for the Bible’s reliability is most compelling to you, and why?
  6. Read John 7:16-17. Why do you think “doing the will of God” is a prerequisite for discerning whether Christ’s teachings are true?
  7. Why is it important to have a framework for where you get your value and purpose? How do you see our culture wrestling with these ideas today?
  8. Read Matthew 22:37-39. What does it look like to love the way Jesus describes in this passage?
  9. Which of the three topics in this module are you most interested in talking about as a mentor? Why?

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