Talk to your friends about the message of Jesus, not the details of church.
Talking Points:
- Don’t make someone feel like a lesser person just because they don’t have the same beliefs as you. We are all created in God’s image, which means that it is our job to treat everyone as God’s image-bearers. Genesis 1:26
- Don’t make it a lesson, make it a conversation. If both people are not contributing, it’s not a conversation. Take turns sharing ideas and build off of what each person says and don’t get into silly arguments. 2 Timothy 2:16
- Focus on the love of Jesus instead of the technicalities of religion. The Bible says we should love God and love others. We can fill endless conversations talking about the love of Jesus that will benefit both of you and those around you. Keep Jesus at the center of your heart, your relationships, and your conversations. Matthew 22:37-39
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Have you ever been a part of a conversation that turned into a debate over religious beliefs? If so, what were your feelings during and after the conversation?
- Read 2 Timothy 2:15-16. What is the most important information you should share about your faith? What are some examples of foolish arguments or issues that shouldn’t dominate the conversation?
- How can you steer the conversation back to Jesus when the other person tries to bring up religious technicalities? What are some ways you can respectfully leave a conversation that is going in the wrong direction?
- Read Matthew 22:37-39. What does it look like to love God with all your heart? What does it look like to love others as yourself?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?