There are times when we are simply not in charge. Once we realize this, we can set aside the fixating and concentrate on our kids’ needs.

Talking Points:

  • There will always be challenges with raising kids and times when we are simply not in charge and won’t get the results we want. We need to stop fixating on the problems and start focusing on our child’s emotional needs. 
  • Instead of trying to fix our kids, we need to spend more time telling them how much we love and admire them. When they struggle, we need to take the time to comfort them. Colossians 1:11-14
  • God responds to us with love, patience and kindness. Let’s learn from his example and model God’s love to our kids. Isaiah 49:13
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share a recent challenge you had with one of your kids. What was their emotional state? How did you react to their emotions and to the situation?
  3. Read Colossians 1:11-14. Identify all that this passage says about why we should have joy? How can keeping a positive, hopeful perspective help you as a parent? In what areas do you need to demonstrate more patience with your kids?
  4. Read Isaiah 49:13. God has shown us great compassion. How can you focus more on your compassionate side than your corrective side in parenting?
  5. Think of a specific challenge your child is facing. Brainstorm one act of love you can do today to show compassion for their needs. How does this one act of love uniquely help your child?
  6. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?