Since 9/11, Muslims in America have worked hard to portray Islam as a viable religion for average Americans.

Muslims in America

Since 9/11, Muslims in America have worked hard to portray Islam as a viable religion for average Americans. Many Muslims have tried to portray Islam in a more liberal, progressive light. Many American Muslim groups have attempted to distance themselves from more radical Muslim groups.

It’s very difficult to describe what most American Muslims are like, since they are such a diverse group. For example, many Muslims who came over in the 1970s or early 1980s want nothing to do with radical Islam. We might even call these people secular Muslims. Of course, there are others who portray Islam as a religion of peace, but are supporting more radical aspects of the religion covertly.

Most American Muslims are trying to follow the American dream like anyone else. They are normal people, working jobs and raising families. Some of these people are searching for the answer to human sinfulness. In the context of friendship, Christians can reach out to Muslims with the love of Christ.

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. From your point of view, how has the perception of Islam in America changed since 9/11?
  3. How are secular Muslims different or similar to secular Christians?
  4. What is our responsibility as Christians to reach out to Muslims who are searching for the answers to life’s big questions?
  5. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.