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If you just believe everything you hear these days, it'll destroy you.

Satan is real, he exists, and his goal is to hurt you. His only real weapon against you is lies or half-truths.  He can’t use a bat to hit you over the head, but he can try to deceive you into believing things that are not true.  He does this through culture, through people, and even through our thoughts.

Identify Satan’s Lies

Some lies are popular today. An example of this is “You should always follow your heart.” When you stop and think about that, it would be a very foolish life practice.  Another popular lie in our culture is, “I can do everything on my own, I don’t need people.” Other lies may be related to self-worth, how to spend money, or our purpose in life.

Exposing Lies with Truth

Instead of accepting the lies we believe, expose them to the truth. Come up with your own top ten lies. Do this exercise with your family, small group or mentor. Discuss your lies, then compare your lies with the truth of scripture. What does the Bible say about your lies? Then make a commitment that, with God’s help, you will start believing and living the truth instead of these lies.

Talk About It
  1. What is your initial reaction to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Read 2 Timothy 3. Summarize what Paul is teaching Timothy. Do you think it’s valid advice today? Explain.
  3. Make a list of some of the lies you have believed in the past. Do you still believe any of those lies today? Why or why not?
  4. What are some lies that people have believed throughout history (ex: slavery is justifiable)? Make a list. Why do you think so many people bought into those lies, even though today it is so obviously wrong? What does this say about “groupthink” in our culture?
  5. Write a personal action step based on this conversation.