The 2019 Marriage Retreat

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Is Speaking in Tongues Biblical?

Is speaking in tongues biblical? If you were raised in a Pentecostal church, your answer is “yes”! If you were raised in a cessationist church, your answer is “no”! In this lesson we’ll see what the Bible has to say.

Immigration (Series)

How should a Christian view the debate on Immigration? It’s a hot topic in today’s world, and in this series we’ll tackle that question with the best source we have: the Bible.

Is It a Sin? (Series)

It’s a question many Christians find asking themselves on a day to day basis. Sometimes the answer is clear and easy, but other times it might seem to be a little more of a ‘gray area’.

Is it a Sin to Watch an R Rated Movie?

Many people blur the lines on what they choose to watch vs. what they know they should watch. Today, we’ll talk about the question: “Is it a Sin to Watch an R Rated Movie?”. Let’s take a look and see what the Bible says about it.

Is it a Sin to Gamble?

Gambling can seem all fun and games on the surface…but there’s more to it than that. Today we address the question: “Is it a sin to gamble?” What does the Bible say about it?

Is it a Sin to Smoke Tobacco or Marijuana?

Is smoking sinful? Is the answer different between tobacco and marijuana? Sometimes questions like these have an easy answer, but other times it might seem like more of a ‘gray area’…

Is it a Sin to Drink Alcohol?

“Is it a sin?” is a question many Christians find asking themselves on a day to day basis. Sometimes, the answer is clear and easy. But other times, it might seem to be a little more of a ‘gray area’. We’re going to apply that question to some commonly debated habits. Today’s topic: Alcohol.

Preacher Training (Series)

Using the provided resources, this series will help you learn how to preach effectively, lovingly, and intentionally.

Acts (Series)

A section-by-section deep dive into the book of Acts, exploring the birth of the Christian church.

What Does God Really Think About Women?

Today we’ll answer the question, “What does God really think about women?” The biblical answer is clear: God loves women and from the beginning has worked to bless them.

If God Is Good, Why Does Evil Exist?

Skeptics and scoffers love to stump Christians with this question: if God is good, why does evil exist? But if we take a look at the Bible, we can not only make sense of this difficult question, but find an answer that can change our eternity.

Is the Bible Just Another Book?

Why do so many churches and Christians make such a big deal of the Bible? Isn’t it just an out-dated, irrelevant piece of ancient literature? Shouldn’t we keep it on the shelf and use more modern books to teach us how to live? These are the questions we’ll explore today.

Is There Only One True Church?

Several religions claim to be the one true church or the exclusive path to heaven. But what does the Bible say? Is there only one true church? And if not, do all roads lead to heaven?

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