It’s easy to point out when someone else is doing everything wrong - but the reality is we aren’t perfect either.

Talking Points:

  • Our words have the power to bring life or death – to build others up or tear them down. Proverbs 18:21
  • Positive words encourage others, builds trust and promotes growth. Critical words tear others down, depletes trust and creates enmity and stunts growth. Proverbs 16:24, James 3:6, Ephesians 4:29
  • Critical words come from a hardened heart. Luke 6:45
  • Stop being critical in three practical steps: 
    1. Find two positives.
    2. Be empathetic. Galatians 6:2
    3. Recognize your failings. Colossians 3:12
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share a time someone’s words really encouraged you. Share a time someone’s words really hurt you.
  3. Are there certain people or situations that causes you to struggle more with being critical? Explain.
  4. Read Proverbs 18:21 What do you think of Solomon’s description of the power of the tongue?
  5. Why do you think it’s so easy to be critical of others? How do you define a “critical spirit”?
  6. Read Luke 6:45. Put this verse in your own words. Describe what a hardened heart looks like.
  7. Of the three steps, which one is toughest for you to implement? Walk through how each step could change your hardened heart to a tender heart.
  8. Read Galatians 6:2 and Colossians 3:12. What are these verses saying about our responsibility? How do these verses challenge you?
  9. Read Ephesians 4:29. How will you start living out this verse at home, at work, in the community, at church?
  10. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?