Jesus is the boss and his commission is our command.

Talking Points:

  • We exist to make disciples because Jesus said so. Helping people pursue God is a matter of obedience to the Great Commission. Matthew 28:18-20
  • We’re passionate about making “Full Circle” disciples. Spiritual maturity isn’t just about us, it’s also about helping others.
  • Every believer is qualified to make disciples. Jesus goes with us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8
  1. Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
  2. Share your faith journey. Who was instrumental in bringing to faith in Jesus? How did they go about it?
  3. Share an experience you’ve had of bringing someone else to faith in Jesus.
  4. Read Matthew 28:18-19. What do you think the disciples were thinking during this conversation? Why do you think this was the plan that Jesus would leave and his people would spread the message of salvation?
  5. When you think about walking with someone in a pursuit of God, what makes you the most nervous?
  6. Read Matthew 28:20 and Acts 1:8. According to these verses, what qualifies you to help someone? How does helping someone else help you to grow spiritually, too?
  7. Read Acts 4:8-13. Why could Peter and John be so bold? How will you be more bold for Jesus moving forward?
  8. Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?