We asked a successful PG mentor to share what he's learned about getting started as a mentor.
Talking Points:
- Tip #1: Get to know the other person.
- Tip #2: Create a schedule and then be flexible.
- Tip #3: Start slow.
- Tip #4: Hit singles, not home runs.
- Tip #5: There will be bumps.
- Tip #6: Don’t be afraid.
- Tip #7: Remember the end game.
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of mentoring?
- Why do you think mentoring has a place in Christianity?
- What do you expect to get out of mentoring (a) as the mentor (b) as the mentee? Who do you think benefits more from mentoring?
- What is the biggest obstacle for you to become a mentor? How could your church help you overcome that roadblock?
- “A mentor just has to be one step ahead of the mentee.” Debate or defend this statement.
- Explain the FLEX method and how it is supposed to work.
- What is your biggest fear in being a mentor?
- In what way are parents “mentors” at home? How is mentoring easier for them? How is it harder?
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?