As teachers of the Bible we should be obsessed with clarity. We need to be clear in teaching God's word in order for people to understand it. This post offers two techniques for gaining clarity in your preaching.
Talking Points:
- If you have little kids at home go over your sermon with them. If you don’t, go to one of the Sunday School classes in your church, and teach them your message before you preach it.
- Condense your sermon into one sentence. For example, one sentence usually includes the truth from God’s word that I am teaching and a general type of application. For example, my one sentence for a recent sermon was, “We need to recognize our sins and turn to God in repentance.”
- Initial reactions to this topic? What jumped out at you?
- Why is clarity important in preaching?
- What are some of the consequences of being unclear in our preaching?
- Listen to a sermon (preached by someone other than you) and summarize the sermon in one sentence.
- Is there a step you need to take based on today’s topic?